Place your random thoughts.

So I was learning about Disney’s animated features and how they differ from the original stories they were base on. Judging by how they adapted the stories, the movies seemed extremely biased in favor of the protagonists, despite showing that they have flaws. The main characters are nicer, the main antagonists are more evil than in the original, and they end on a happy ending.

Here’s an example of how they alter stories, using the Greek play Antigone as an example (something Disney haven’t made a film adaptation of yet, despite the play having faithful film adaptations):
  • Polynices would been an innocent man that Creon absolutely hated and wanted to ruin his afterlife, even though the play actually justifies Creon’s hatred towards him. Additionally, Creon, or some other culprit, would’ve killed Polynices.
  • Creon would been an even bigger tyrant than the original play. He would also have no love or respect towards his son, Haimon.
  • Haimon would’ve set Antigone free from the vault, which is against his father’s orders. He would also help Antigone give a proper burial.
  • Creon would been arrested at the end for his acts of tyranny.
  • Lastly, new characters that weren’t even part of the Oedipus plays would’ve been added, to give Antigone and Creon sidekicks.
Yep, this is how Disney did their adaptations, at least during the 20th century. Most of the villains were based on characters that weren’t even as evil in the original story. Hercules was even more infuriating. It wasn’t until 2000 when the main character of a film is truly flawed and the narrative puts the protagonist in the wrong couple of times. The Emperor’s New Groove and Brother Bear being the prime examples when Disney has less bias for the protagonists.
There's something wrong with this sketch I've got, but as usual, I can't seem to work out what it is :rolleyes:

Yep, this is how Disney did their adaptations, at least during the 20th century. Most of the villains were based on characters that weren’t even as evil in the original story. It wasn’t until 2000 when the main character of a film is truly flawed and the narrative puts the protagonist in the wrong couple of times.
I find this happens in a lot of other animated movies and series, too, and it's really frustrating. Not as frustrating when they're based off historical tales of course, but annoying nonetheless. A couple of examples off the top of my head:

Silverwing has Bathsheba, who, in the books, is hostile towards the main character, Shade (and it's maybe even justified tbh). In the television series, she's the same, but goes one step further by betraying the entire colony JUST to get back at Shade. Speaking of, Shade is somewhat whiny (like a child his age would be) in the books, but in the series, he's very mature.

The Guardians of Ga'Hoole movie portrays Soren as a selfless, kind-hearted and very sharp owlet. In the books, it was his friend, Gylfie who possessed the most intelligence and came up with the best plans, and Soren was capable of being a bit abrasive here and there. The books had each member of his band have their own special technique, but this was all scrapped so that Soren can be the hero at all times.

I feel like a lot of writers are frightened that people will hate the main character if they allow them to be flawed, and a relatable villain might overlook the hero. Some screenwriters focus far too much on making the hero look good.
There's something wrong with this sketch I've got, but as usual, I can't seem to work out what it is :rolleyes:

I find this happens in a lot of other animated movies and series, too, and it's really frustrating. Not as frustrating when they're based off historical tales of course, but annoying nonetheless.
Ah, yes, historical tales. Modifying a story in history or the Bible to fit this kind of narrative would be more insulting than fairy tale adaptations. Where do you hear about Pocahontas’s relationship with Captain John Smith during the English colonization. Where do you hear about Bartok the Bat when studying the Russian Revolution? Could you imagine a film where Anne Frank or Emmett Till got a happy ending? Could you imagine a film where the 9/11 Attack plot failed? Thats exactly what rewriting historical stories is like.
Feeling like I need to get over myself and join the Discord just so I can spectate some matches because you can't do it without being in Discord apparently. But I don't want to join the Discord server. I don't know.
Feeling like I need to get over myself and join the Discord just so I can spectate some matches because you can't do it without being in Discord apparently. But I don't want to join the Discord server. I don't know.

As a person on Crew 4, I'm going to say don't join so you don't get those points for your team.

As a helpful person, I'm going to say you can always just leave immediately when you're done.
The southernmost place in the world is the Amundsen-Scott South Pole station (actually, there’s a sign on that spot).
But the most southern place in the world is Mississippi, and the most southern city is Savannah, Georgia.
I finished the main story in Violet, did some shiny hunting since I enjoy the overworld style of hunting where you can see the shinies, and then never played it again. It has the least amount of hours on it of any Pokémon game I’ve ever played, and it’s almost entirely because I CAN’T STAND being forced to wear the ugly school uniform at all times. The hairstyles were also really lacking to me, why do NPCs like Iono and Nurse Miriam get super cool hair and yet I literally look like a background character. Just, ugh.
I finished the main story in Violet, did some shiny hunting since I enjoy the overworld style of hunting where you can see the shinies, and then never played it again. It has the least amount of hours on it of any Pokémon game I’ve ever played, and it’s almost entirely because I CAN’T STAND being forced to wear the ugly school uniform at all times. The hairstyles were also really lacking to me, why do NPCs like Iono and Nurse Miriam get super cool hair and yet I literally look like a background character. Just, ugh.
I managed to make my Violet trainer’s hair to look like the winner of season 14 of RuPaul’s Drag Race Willow Pill. It actually looks pretty good.
I finished the main story in Violet, did some shiny hunting since I enjoy the overworld style of hunting where you can see the shinies, and then never played it again. It has the least amount of hours on it of any Pokémon game I’ve ever played, and it’s almost entirely because I CAN’T STAND being forced to wear the ugly school uniform at all times. The hairstyles were also really lacking to me, why do NPCs like Iono and Nurse Miriam get super cool hair and yet I literally look like a background character. Just, ugh.
Yeah, I didn’t like the school uniforms. It’s bad that we’re forced to stick to the uniforms no matter where we are in the game, but what’s even worse is that there’s no skirt options, none. Sword and Shield wasn’t any better on the skirts either because they were all too short and had visible shorts underneath. I consider the lack of skirt options in Scarlet/Violet to be Nintendo’s worst decision of 2022, just like how Disney’s worst decision last year was getting into a fight with Ron Desantis.
The One Piece live action may be the first Netflix live action that may actually be good. far
So not too long ago, the What’s Bothering You thread moved from the Basement to Brewster’s, but you don’t get TBT for posting. I remember the original What’s Bothering You thread was created specifically in Brewster’s, but it was moved to the Basement since some users spammed in the old one. And yes, I remember that day, even though it was nine years ago.

I’m not going to go over too much past drama, especially if it’s from nearly a decade ago, but I wanted to point this out because the What’s Bothering You thread was originally a Brewster’s thread.
I’m so glad that my user accounts, such as my TBT account, were the only assets of mine that my pillows didn’t try to steal. They claimed ownership of my Switch Lite (the same switch that had the Animal Crossing data), all because I had a hotel-themed house. They also like to steal other things that I own.

My question is, how could an inanimate object possess a video game console?
Whatever that one image of white background and someone like aggressively excitedly shaking in place is me. I'm waiting for a package. I want the package, as soon as it gets here I'm gonna play it (the game inside).

God I hope FedEx doesn't screw up and deliver it to the wrong house or the package is so damaged that it damages the game card. FedEx around here are careless with packages. They constantly arrive ripped up and one time the delivery dude delivered the heavy box to the neighbour's and not us. Like HELLO. The house number is right on the mail box, a hedge divides us, it's NOT THAT HARD.
I'm glad they removed the "Quarters" part in the team names because "The Galaxolotls" just looks and sounds better.
There’s one advantage the Galaxolotls have over other teams. They have every single Alolan apple on this site. You can’t find these apples in other crew quarters or outside the camp. The Galaxolotls have them all.