Gone until April 1st
So I was learning about Disney’s animated features and how they differ from the original stories they were base on. Judging by how they adapted the stories, the movies seemed extremely biased in favor of the protagonists, despite showing that they have flaws. The main characters are nicer, the main antagonists are more evil than in the original, and they end on a happy ending.
Here’s an example of how they alter stories, using the Greek play Antigone as an example (something Disney haven’t made a film adaptation of yet, despite the play having faithful film adaptations):
Here’s an example of how they alter stories, using the Greek play Antigone as an example (something Disney haven’t made a film adaptation of yet, despite the play having faithful film adaptations):
- Polynices would been an innocent man that Creon absolutely hated and wanted to ruin his afterlife, even though the play actually justifies Creon’s hatred towards him. Additionally, Creon, or some other culprit, would’ve killed Polynices.
- Creon would been an even bigger tyrant than the original play. He would also have no love or respect towards his son, Haimon.
- Haimon would’ve set Antigone free from the vault, which is against his father’s orders. He would also help Antigone give a proper burial.
- Creon would been arrested at the end for his acts of tyranny.
- Lastly, new characters that weren’t even part of the Oedipus plays would’ve been added, to give Antigone and Creon sidekicks.