Place your random thoughts.

I'm bored so I'm just hopping around the Cafe talking about stuff instead of drawing like I should be.
Man I need a nap.
Might take a nap.
Why in some games the characters still give you air? The devs can't put the items in the characters hands; like Animal Crossing for example, you can see the villagers giving you something and not just air.
Ever since I lied to my mother about Chick-fil-A selling custard pies while wearing a trollface mask, it’s been difficult to not think about custard pies when talking about Chick-fil-A. It’s been going on for almost 10 years.
I finished the main story in Violet, did some shiny hunting since I enjoy the overworld style of hunting where you can see the shinies, and then never played it again. It has the least amount of hours on it of any Pokémon game I’ve ever played, and it’s almost entirely because I CAN’T STAND being forced to wear the ugly school uniform at all times. The hairstyles were also really lacking to me, why do NPCs like Iono and Nurse Miriam get super cool hair and yet I literally look like a background character. Just, ugh.
I got past the first gym, put about 20 hours into the game, and then proceeded to never play it again. could partly be because I haven't had much interest at all in playing Pokemon lately, but I really just wasn't feeling it with my Violet playthrough.
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I just saw the Barbie movie and loved it!
niceeee I'm thinking I may go tomorrow to see it since I have the day off hehe

I'm sooooo tempted to do the Barbenheimer marathon but geez 5 hours is a while for an ADHD person to sit in a theater lmaooo 😭
I got past the first gym, put about 20 hours into the game, and then proceeded to never play it again. could partly be because I haven't had much interest at all in playing Pokemon lately, but I really just wasn't feeling it with my Violet playthrough.
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niceeee I'm thinking I may go tomorrow to see it since I have the day off hehe

I'm sooooo tempted to do the Barbenheimer marathon but geez 5 hours is a while for an ADHD person to sit in a theater lmaooo 😭
Yeah…Idk about Oppenheimer. I might catch some of it on TV. I can’t imagine watching all of them at once lol.
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I haven't had to get a check up in years...
I am nervous, but I am glad it is finally getting done. This needs to get done, before we proceed with other things that I need to get done.
Also, did anyone else notice the moon? They made it look all fancy, probably for the camp starting today. It looks so beautiful tonight!
Status update: The grass is now grey and I can see Saturn. Which is weird. I thought Jupiter and onward couldn't be seen with the naked eye.
Screenshot 2023-07-25 4.07.52 PM.png
My personal ranking of Disney’s revival era films:

1. Frozen (despite the overhype, it’s still the snow queen)
2. Zootopia (a mystery movie like those mystery novels)
3. Wreck-It-Ralph (it’s Turbo-Tastic)
4. Tangled (actually pretty good)
5. Princess and the Frog (at least it’s 2D animated and set in Louisiana)
6. Big Hero 6 (Marvel’s been overdone)
7. Moana (overrated)
8. Winnie the Pooh (not a full-length feature film)

Despite the revival/resurgence era being a great era for Disney animation, it doesn’t compare to the movies released back in the 20th century. I once said that Frozen was the best Disney movie since Lion King. Now that honor goes to Hunchback of Notre Dame, not Frozen. And the best Disney movie after the Disney Renaissance is The Emperor’s New Groove, not Frozen.
Trying to look for a new doctor is like trying to look for a new part for a car, you may never know if its the right one you're looking for until you realize it's not the right one for you.
trying to play this one song and I've already recorded it like 5 times and each time I've messed up somewhere with the chord progression, like it's not even that difficult to play so why haha 😭😭
There’s this old pinball machine called Xenon and I just learned the lady who did the voice/sound effects for it is still alive and has a Wikipedia page. (Suzanne Ciani) There’s even a YouTube video of her recording herself for it. Idk why this is so fascinating but it is lol.
Getting kinda overwhelmed with how much stuff there is to work on for the camp event haha. Thankfully I have a day off tomorrow. I’m not contributing anything creatively to my team which makes me kinda sad but I still wanna bring in as many points as I can. P:
I plan on maxing out my participation in the Camp TBT for more TBT Bells (I’m pretty low right now since I’m below my usual 10k TBT). I don’t care too much about winning this time. Just participation points.

Although I do hope the Galaxolotls as a whole wins the entire event.