Place your random thoughts.

The music soundtrack for Moo Moo Meadows from Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 8/Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is clearly a ripoff.

Oh, have anyone noticed that the ending of the K.K. Slider song “Spring Blossoms” sound exactly like “Oh, Susanna”?
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The cosmic clone music in Super Mario 3D Land is so stressful. It reminds me of starting a Special World stage and seeing him running on the screen. IYKYK. Also it’s pretty cool that they put 8 special worlds in the game. As you can tell, I like Super Mario 3D Land (and by extension, 3D World) a lot. They’re both underrated games that more people should give credit!
It’s a good thing that I got my gif avatar yesterday. Because the video my avatar is based on got taken down by YouTube, and the user who uploaded that video got banned today.

The most common reason why users get banned on YouTube is copyright infringements.
Was gonna play Deep Rock Galactic w/ one of my friends and his friend but I forgot I had already taken my night time meds! Oh well...maybe I can squeeze in a very short game.
How did early civilizations develop in hot and humid environments? Or in crazy snowy areas? I think if I got lost in the jungle or the arctic now, I certainly wouldn't make it. This doesn't bode well if I want to go explore space or other extreme environments. I like my simple comforts, like air conditioning!
Timothy McVeigh has become my new political strawman to associate unlikable right-wing groups and politicians with. Since the dawn of the internet, people did this with Hitler instead of McVeigh, but the reason why I can’t do that anymore is because Hitler was a lawful evil. McVeigh was a chaotic evil, which is exactly what these alt-right groups are.
I remember binge-watching every Futurama episode in 2021 and thinking "wow this show is awesome, I'm sad it got discontinued". Well, guess what show got rebooted two years later...! Couldn't be happier. 😭
I've never really been one to wash my face consistently (don't @ me I know it's a habit I need to work on lol) but lately I've noticed that my face actually does get pretty oily and it makes me feel a bit icky. I guess I need to start washing my face more often, maybe at least once a day would be a good starting point 😌

also if anyone has any good recommendations for what to use as a face wash/cleanser I'd love to know!
So I found out what’s behind this heat wave. It’s true that global warming is a major cause, but that only contributes little to this heat wave. If global warming predictions were accurate, it wouldn’t been this hot in 2023.

The bigger two offenders are the underwater volcano eruption from last year and the rising sunspot activity. That’s what’s giving us more heat. I did blame the heat wave over Texas on divine retribution for Greg Abbott’s policies. Even God doesn’t like theocracies.
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I think I'm now ready for autumn too tbh. I'm tired of getting sweaty in the afternoons outside from simple small things. I am ready to hear the wind toss colorful leaves.
My moms wheelchair wouldn't fit through the bathroom door so we took the door off its hinges and now she can get into the bathroom. Only problem is my parents now have an open concept bathroom, so modern eh. Maybe I'll put a curtain rod or something on the outside. I don't think guests will wanna use a bathroom with no door