Gone until April 1st
Now if you ask about Trump, he’s very low on my list. In fact, all three presidents after Bush are in my bottom 10 (Trump almost made last place). In my opinion, the two worst things the president of the United States has done was inciting an attack on the Capitol (Trump) and letting 11 states secede (Buchanan). It doesn’t matter how many scandals a president engaged in (like the Lewinsky Scandal) or how many unethical decisions he made (like the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings). The ones who mishandle national crisises or allow chaos to happen in our country are going to be more unfavorable.my sister was talking about this yesterday because her and her friends are going to put their favorite presidents on the wall in their dorm room (not so much patriotic as… weird). her favorite president is richard nixon because he’s interesting ig. :,]
Another thing about our presidents. Some, like Andrew Jackson, are evil by today’s standards, but at the time of their elections, they weren’t. If a president was bad, it’s because he did a bad job. The only president that was evil by the standards of the time of his election was Trump.