Place your random thoughts.

girl i sincerely dont know why i trust EA to actually put out anything good when they first launch a dlc/expansion for the sims 4. tell me why tf my sims daily rent in their apartment went to the maximum 32 bit integer at 4 BILLION SIMOLEONS per day??? GFYS EA
Got to pet dogs at a holiday work party.

I've only been working there for a week so I don't know anyone and everyone seems to have their social circle outside of work anyway. People could bring a plus one so some brought family, others brought gfs (funny enough no one had a bf that I was aware of). Plus I'm not people socialable. Ideally while everyone does their thing I'm the awkward aloof person hanging out with someone's pets away from the crowd.

The newer than me girl left early so I didn't have anyone to talk to after.
Omg it snowed. 🩵


I love when the forums’ theme gets snowy, it‘s so pleasing to look at. ❄️
Back to showing my all-Christmas sidebar since snowfall is here.

I received a total of 18 lights. I sent 36 lights.
it snowed a little bit over night (very parse) but it was disappointing because i want to see snow ACTIVELY falling on the ground. it can’t be holiday time if it doesn’t snow IMO, i can’t be in the holly jolly mood until that happens.
Last week was SO tough to focus at work, the week was dragging so slow and I did not feel the creative motivation. But today I actually feel pretty great! I'm hopeful for a visually stimulating and exciting week in the studio. Taking the lead on two pretty important branding projects that I'm wrapping up and handing off this week, and then its 2-week Xmas break!
People need to honestly be careful with the types of information they share online. Even on an innocent place like an Animal Crossing forum, it's better to be as vague as possible. I've seen people (again, not here, but on other active forums) openly reveal their parents' first names. As sad as it is, that's enough information to go off when doxxing someone or wanting to find out more information.

I understand feeling comfortable. This is one of the more accepting online communities I've been apart of, but being too open can bite you in the ass. I think it's good to keep in mind that non-forum members can also see posts here, so it's out on the internet for everyone. You aren't just sharing with this nice community of wonderful forum members.
Despite having an interesting background, I clearly know where this soundtrack came from. You would too if you played that game.

Back when I was 10, I use to play Pokemon with my younger brothers' after school. We'll often battle or trade and even lend each other our Pokemon. One day one of them (forgot who) wanted to borrow my Vaporeon for some reason, so we hook up our Gameboys to begin the trade. I don't remember which Pokemon my brother was lending me (it could have been just a throw-away mon), but I do remember the link cable we been using decided to die on us right in the middle of the trade. My little Vaporeon was already in the middle of getting swapped and stuff when this happened. We tried a to revive the cable, but no luck.

Course nowadays, I know I'm not getting that mon back. But you wouldn't believe what I thought of back then....

I got this idea that I still have my Vaporeon and it's in the link cable; So I kept up with this dead link cable for years sitting away in a box. lol
i was going to the bathroom and the mouse CAME INTO THE BATHROOM. that audacious son of a ***** SAW ME.
I had a dream that an ancient queen got so angry with her cheating husband that, as petty revenge, she had six hot guys carry her throne around. This made the king jealous, but he eventually stopped cheating on her. Yet she still had her throne-carriers…!
I woke up thinking this was real, but of course it wasn’t. It sounds like it could have been, though. At least it’s possible poem or story idea.
Do TBT events usually draw in over 1k people? I don’t remember ever seeing this many people online at this hour.
A bunch of the people online are guests so they may not be actual members. I’d say it’s just a coincidence.
Although the site had over 1,000 active members before, no site events have ever had that many participants. Not even the TBT Fair.
Ok. That makes sense. Thank you both for answering my question.
My tuxedo kitty, Rat, started crying at my door and I just spent ages trying to figure out what he wanted/if anything was wrong, but he didn't want food, he didn't seem to be hurting anywhere, etc.

He had a teeny clump of litter stuck in between his toes. That was the issue.

Bless his heart.