Place your random thoughts.

I'm kind of excited!
So a few weeks ago I bought this cute little silicone ice tray that has little penguins with hats and scarves. I bought it because I felt like I could use it but couldn't think of what at the time and it was cute and I normally can never find things like that when I remember.... And it was only like $1.15.
Today I remembered while making banana bread for Christmas, so I melted some chocolate and made some peanut butter filling and filled that ice tray up as an experiment.
It is sitting in the freezer now and I'm excited to see how it turns out later.
Next time I will freeze between layers though. I didn't think of it until it was too late, but it would have made it easier... But it was fun!
I think they turned out well. The right side was the first experiment and the left was the second try.

If nothing else, they are tasty.
I'm gonna have to see if I can get another silicone ice cube tray. These were fun to make and would like to try again next winter... Or summer. I could do jello 🤔
It’s Gia Samsonadze lol

What did I just watch lol. The instruments are so similar to the original that it's like they just took the original and changed it a little.
Oh gosh, I had 15 notifications when I got on today.
I had 35 when I went on just now. The last time I went on it before that was three hours ago.

For some reason, some people *cough cough Snek cough* keep snowballing me and now it looks like I was hit by an avalanche.
What did I just watch lol. The instruments are so similar to the original that it's like they just took the original and changed it a little.

I had 35 when I went on just now. The last time I went on it before that was three hours ago.

For some reason, some people *cough cough Snek cough* keep snowballing me and now it looks like I was hit by an avalanche.
A very original Georgian cartoon!
(Or so the creator says 9_9)
A very original Georgian cartoon!
(Or so the creator says 9_9)
I actually do know what the show is. I've never seen the theme song before though, because why would I ever want to? Maybe somewhere in Georgia people are defending this show with their lives on the internet.

Also, fun fact, the creator of this show made it shortly after being released from jail. Do whatever you want with that information.
Has anyone else been to family gatherings and got bored/want to leave because the people you came with are still chatting away? I tend to get bored very easily at family gatherings, and after eating dinner, I usually run out of things to talk about quick, get tired, and want to leave. Since the people I came with travelled in the same car as me, however, I can’t leave until they get bored, and sometimes that takes a very long time, way longer than I’d like.

I don’t want to be disrespectful by trying to rush their conversations, but I’ve been at gatherings for well over 5 hours or more previously and I really don’t know what else to do other than become tired. I’m basically forced to entertain myself by secluding from the rest of the family and pretending like I have important stuff to do on my phone when I really don’t. It’s happening right now as I type this post. I’ve been at a family dinner for over 4 hours, and I’m pretty tired and want to go home. However, my other immediate family members are still fully engaged in conversations, and my subtle signs of telling them I want to leave haven’t worked. As much as I want to keep myself engaged with extended family, I can’t be spending a whole 1/3 of the day just talking. If I had a girlfriend and was visiting their family, that’d be a different story.

I hate to show the rest of my family that I’m not interested, but it’s hard to keep myself engaged in long conversations with family I’ve known for so long.
I'm guessing the people who like Emmet Selch also like Astarion.

My sister hates both of these characters - her husband, on the other hand, adores them both. The Venn diagram of the people who like these characters is just a circle.

I'm an Astarion girlie thru and thru. Never played FF cause I just can't get into it.
I think it's kind of charming how villagers think you're actually Santa in New Leaf.

Also, in New Horizons, I actually don't have any cedar trees on my island. I almost couldn't participate in Toy Day until I realized my brother's account did have ornaments. Still, there should definitely be a way around that.