Place your random thoughts.

After watching a video ranking every SpongeBob episode, it made me realize I remember so many episodes between seasons one and eleven. After that, I kind of just stopped watching TV in general. It also reminded me of a lot of episodes I disliked. I didn't really watch episodes in order, just whenever they aired on Nick. But yeah, it was kind of nostalgic to remember some of them.

It also made me realize how many memes came from later seasons. I expected most of them to come from seasons one to three, and maybe a little from season four, but no, every season has like at least about ten memes. Even the ones people don't like, like seasons six through nine. I was surprised to realize that the mocking SpongeBob meme came from a season nine episode (especially because it's one of the most hated episodes of the show, Little Yellow Book).
Got the newest Guinness Book of World Records as a gift, and so far I’m amazed at the following:
—The 2-year-old girl who got into Mensa
—The married couple with the most body modifications between them
—That there’s a record for “most tattoos of Marvel characters”. (or characters from a single franchise)
—The largest female feet. (It didn’t list her height, so I’m not sure how her feet grew so much. It would make sense if she was tall though.)
—The lady who was a guy’s secretary for 59 years and still works for him.
—That the U.S. needs to step up our circus act world records lol.

Also…how do people think to put themselves in it? Did someone tell Tanya Herbert, “Wow, your feet are so big, you could be in the Guinness World Records”? That person would be no friend of mine, however good their intentions lol.
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After watching a video ranking every SpongeBob episode, it made me realize I remember so many episodes between seasons one and eleven. After that, I kind of just stopped watching TV in general. It also reminded me of a lot of episodes I disliked. I didn't really watch episodes in order, just whenever they aired on Nick. But yeah, it was kind of nostalgic to remember some of them.

It also made me realize how many memes came from later seasons. I expected most of them to come from seasons one to three, and maybe a little from season four, but no, every season has like at least about ten memes. Even the ones people don't like, like seasons six through nine. I was surprised to realize that the mocking SpongeBob meme came from a season nine episode (especially because it's one of the most hated episodes of the show, Little Yellow Book).
That reminds me of how I watched spongebob practically every night from ages 0.5-5. When I got older, I thought I had completely forgotten all of it. But in 2021 I watched the Weenie Hut Jr./Salty Spitoon episode and I vaguely remembered seeing the nerdy fish in weenie hut with that music lol.

Same with Dexter’s lab which I was older when I watched, and I remembered more. When I watched the Earl episode I remember him scratching the tally marks on the diner wall. It’s weird how the brain can pick such random moments to remember.
After watching a video ranking every SpongeBob episode, it made me realize I remember so many episodes between seasons one and eleven. After that, I kind of just stopped watching TV in general. It also reminded me of a lot of episodes I disliked. I didn't really watch episodes in order, just whenever they aired on Nick. But yeah, it was kind of nostalgic to remember some of them.

It also made me realize how many memes came from later seasons. I expected most of them to come from seasons one to three, and maybe a little from season four, but no, every season has like at least about ten memes. Even the ones people don't like, like seasons six through nine. I was surprised to realize that the mocking SpongeBob meme came from a season nine episode (especially because it's one of the most hated episodes of the show, Little Yellow Book).
Also, this video made me just feel sad over what SpongeBob evolved in to. It used to be a normal comedy, but as of the latest seasons, it's more like an average kids' show. Which really sucks, because it used to be so much more.
After four years of working on this “Pokémon Project” (where I train my favorite Pokémon to Level 100, max out EVs and IVs, and have preferred moves and stat builds), I am now finished with it. It is a very tedious and frustrating project.

You guys don’t really have to do it, but I battled in several max raids and tera raids from Sword/Shield and Scarlet/Violet, respectively. It was the best way to train several Pokémon en masse, like I did.

Not counting duplicates and my unevolved “kawaii grass Pokémon”, I trained a total of 252 Pokémon. But including all, I trained 270.
Why does it always have to be snowing in my New Leaf town? If it snows, then my black roses won't wilt, and if they don't wilt, then I can't water them to make them gold roses. It seems to be happening every day.
i wonder how vanilla and avocado would taste together
I would imagine it wouldn't really taste that good, but I could be wrong. Avocado doesn't really have much of a flavor so it could work well, but I don't think I would care for the sweetness since I expect it food to taste differently when mixed with avocado.
Yeah the weather has been really crappy for the last few days as well. Rain is nice every now and then, but now it's just making for cold, wet, miserable days.

#1 reason why I hate winter aside from other things... literally the only good day in winter for me is Christmas. Every day afterwards until March hits is garbage. There's no holidays in January that are really well-known and I don't care for Valentine's Day. I still stand by what I said in an old thread that if you're in a relationship you should be treating your partner well every day of the year, not just one day because it's a "holiday."

Anyway, I'm going to stop my response there before I go on a long tangent, but yeah. I'm really looking forward to March even more this year because I bought tickets for my dad and I to see the Texas Rangers baseball home opener. It'll be the first regular season game in the stadium since they won the World Series.
I know I've been talking about this show a lot, so this will be my last post about it… today.

As bad as Stuck in the Wringer is, the moral of the episode gets way too much hate. SpongeBob says “I guess crying does solve all your problems after all!”. I think it's really obvious that this is a spoof aesop joke and it's not meant to be taken as a serious lesson. The rest of the episode may be bad, but this one scene is overhated. The scene where the Bikini Bottomites chastise him for getting justifiably mad at Patrick is the worst scene in the episode, and if it's a joke, it's not clear at all, so it's way worse. Contender for one of the worst scenes in the show.
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I wish Yoshi would appear on the banner. I haven't seen him there yet.

(I mean Yoshi like my New Horizons character, btw)
As 2023 is coming to an end, the election is also coming near. Here are my preferred candidates:
  • Democrat - Marianne Williamson
  • Republican - Nikki Haley
  • Independent - Robert F Kennedy Jr
Of course, chances are that it may not go my way, but any Democrat is better than Biden, and any Republican is better than Trump. If Kennedy doesn’t show up on the ballot, and if it’s another Trump vs Biden election, I may have to skip the president voting and will vote on the Senate as the primary choice.
I'm also looking forward to March, but mostly because that's the month I start planting some things and my spouse and i's anniversary is that month too. March is like the beginning of spring and each day is a day further from winter, which I don't like winter.

I watched Homer the Heretic yesterday, and when it got to this Itchy and Scratchy clip, there was only one thing I could think of.

The Simpsons predicted Majora's Mask confirmed? 🤯🤯🤯
The Simpsons predicted Majora's Mask confirmed? 🤯🤯🤯
It always seems like they predict a ton of things. 9/11, Trump becoming president, Disney acquiring 20th Century Fox, and even their own biting-the-hand humor of continuing to air new episodes years and years later (I believe this was uttered all the way back around season 12, which was around 1998-2000). There's something supernatural about those writers, lemme tell ya.

I got my oral extraction on my chipped tooth today. No hard foods for at least three to four weeks until I go back to get the implant. It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be, but relieving the occasional post-surgery pain myself and regular cleaning of the affected area is going to suck. I feel some discomfort right now, but it isn't as terrible compared to before I started the antibiotics. At least I have two weeks off work to properly manage it.
It always seems like they predict a ton of things. 9/11, Trump becoming president, Disney acquiring 20th Century Fox, and even their own biting-the-hand humor of continuing to air new episodes years and years later (I believe this was uttered all the way back around season 12, which was around 1998-2000). There's something supernatural about those writers, lemme tell ya.
I know it's basically a meme that The Simpsons is psychic, that's why I said that.
i kind of want to take off the very front of my desk drawer so i can make a little keyboard tray but im worried its going to look dumb 😭 my desk is so cluttered.
It's strange how in New Leaf, blowfish went from selling for 125 bells before the Welcome Amiibo update to selling for 5,000 bells. It's also weird how they picked that fish in specific.