Place your random thoughts.

I am SO getting a bucket of KFC when I get the chance!
So I just read the moon is rusting... So does this mean humans in the future will look up and see an orange or a red moon one day all the time instead of the white moon we see now?
And... They'll miss out other colors and shades... Like sometimes it looks yellow for a short time when it rises certain times of the year.
What will an eclipse look like if the moon is already red then? Just a darker red or just disappear?
The moon is also slowly drifting away from the Earth, while simultaneously shrinking. All around bad times for the moon
It didn’t even take the Collectibles discussion from the TBT Marketplace four months to get up to 10,000 posts. But it took a little over nine years to rack up 10,000 more posts.
my dog was being annoying/begging for food so i shushed him and talked to him in a really soft voice and he stopped. it worked?? LOL.
Reminds me of this meme:
I saw a Dawn commercial where they were washing an oil-smudged duckling, and on the bottom of the screen it said something like “not real oil”. So now I wonder…what strange black liquid did they put on the duckling? It’s a bit concerning, if you ask me.
I didn't realize snails could smell food so well. I vacuumed one of my tanks and replaced the water and there was a snail that was crawling up the glass as fast as it could. I put some food in there and it immediately turned around and started crawling as fast as it could towards the food. I actually felt bad for it because my corycats are way faster. I put extra in because of that.
I think it's a bladder snail but I don't actually know. It hitched a ride with the duck weed from the store.
Since this is the last year of high school that we have gym, they taught us how to use the equipment at real gyms, like Planet Fitness. I used to hate those gyms, but now, I think it’s better than what we had to do for our last unit in this class, which was volleyball.
I saw a Dawn commercial where they were washing an oil-smudged duckling, and on the bottom of the screen it said something like “not real oil”. So now I wonder…what strange black liquid did they put on the duckling? It’s a bit concerning, if you ask me.
Wait, what.? O-o
Wait, what.? O-o
It’s a famous commercial they keep redoing with the ducks in dishwashing liquid that were apparently “rescued from an oil spill”. I’m guessing— unless the ducks are CGI —they’re using some kind of soap with food coloring? It’s still a mystery to me.
What is even the point of gifting someone Valentine's Day roses? Because "it's the thought that counts?" Yeah okay 🙄 you put them in a vase with some water and they end up dying anyway. I feel bad for the roses. They're better off staying in their bush 🌹🥀💔

I'm saying this because we have some roses and they're wilted and ugly now. It's like a holiday decor that gets rid of itself lol