Place your random thoughts.

I heard about this movie called Where the Dead go to Die from Mr Enter. It’s notable because it’s the one of the few things he’s specifically chosen not to review despite disliking. The reason is because there was way too much disturbing and disgusting content in the movie for him to want to review it or YouTube to allow him to review it. I’ve never heard about the movie prior to this, but if it disturbed him that much, I seriously don’t want to hear anything about the movie, considering this is the same person who had to watch the Family Guy episode Fresh Heir (take care if searching up the plot in that episode) and Ren Seeks Help from Adult Party Cartoon. So now, my main question is if he thinks it’s worse than the Drawn Together movie, because he completely hated everything about that movie (though I think everyone can agree that the movie was trash). Especially since the Drawn Together movie had a lot of the things he said were so vomit inducing and disturbing in Where the Dead go to Die, but with even more flaws.
My mind keeps getting boggled about the fact that commercial Laserdiscs came around the same time as VHS. The first of such kind, DiscoVision, began operations in 1977, with home releases of major films beginning to come out within the next year. Prototypes were created as early as 1972! Yeah, these discs were almost the same size as vinyl records, but could you imagine owning one of these things when they were brand new?


Looks like a DVD, right? Back in 1978, however, these cost a fortune, and had many quality problems. Such issues may have killed the brand, but Laserdisc continued to be offered alongside VHS until shortly after the DVD was introduced.

There's an old site that provides some interesting info about the first Laserdisc brand. Check it out if you want: it's on a website called Blam Entertainment Group. Do a Google search for "mca discovision" and you'll find it. It's still hard to believe that VHS and Laserdisc have been around for over 45 years now!
I find it hilarious in Fire Emblem Engage when your character dies and Emblem Marth is just like, "Wait, no! I wasn't supposed to let you die!" or something along those lines. Purely for the fact that it does not sound like Marth to me at all. Especially the beginning of it. It sounds like the voice of Billy from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy when something goes terribly wrong. :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

I'm not sure why they approved that performance from the VA, especially considering the rest of his lines are done better, but oh well.
Currently watching one of, if not, South Park's most demented, twisted, yet funniest episodes ever:

Woodland Critter Christmas 😂🤣 it always makes me lmao. Aren't they enemies or a boss battle in one of the South Park games? If so, they must be one hell of a fight...literally lol
This is my favorite Christmas special in the show just because of how ridiculous and hilarious it gets. The first 8 minutes seem like something they’d air on Hallmark during Christmas, until all hell breaks loose. Literally. One of the best episodes of the show, duly noted lol.
I wanted to share another random thought regarding home media; the very first company to license and release movies on VHS in 1978, Magnetic Video Corporation, was headquartered literally just a block down the street from one of my former jobs. They remained there until around 1981 when they were absorbed into 20th Century Fox. That’s kind of crazy to think about. Also, my grandpa had a very large VHS collection, and even recorded some new stuff on the format well after it was discontinued. Maybe the family inheritance explains why I have a huge collection of Blu-ray movies…
All Popsicle commercials:

I remember when I was a kid, I was scared of eating these popsicles because of whatever happened in the commercials. I thought they would actually happen. Especially the micro pops, since I believed that eating them will shrink others.
I’m not interested in the Mean Girls musical. I’m ready for the Napoleon Dynamite musical.
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All Popsicle commercials:

I remember when I was a kid, I was scared of eating these popsicles because of whatever happened in the commercials. I thought they would actually happen. Especially the micro pops, since I believed that eating them will shrink others.
These types of ads where the food does something wacky scared me too and I never understood the appeal of these ad a kid. I guess some just liked the zany effects.