Reginald Fairfield
Senior Member
Sometimes it's fun to spectate internet drama, from a distance.
Would a Teletubby realistically be good at medical practices? Hmm... something to think about.I kinda forgot today was Halloween until I went to the clinic and saw the employees (including my doctor) wearing Teletubby costumes. I love this place. XD
Exactly why I enjoy listening to the Do We Know Them? podcast lol.Sometimes it's fun to spectate internet drama, from a distance.
To be honest… I actually want to play Sonic 06. I feel like after seeing so many people the hate for the game way more than it deserved, there’s probably a decent game hidden under all the flaws. Unfortunately they never ported it to the stores on Xbox One or later, because… it’s Sonic 06, and I don’t have an Xbox 360 or PS3 so I can’t play it. But even if I could idc if I’d actually want to go through the loading screens and the janky controls. I know there’s a fan made version that fixes most of the issues but I don’t have a PC so I can’t play that either.
I also really want to play Sonic Heroes… and Sonic Unleashed … and literally every mainline Sonic game I haven’t played yet lol. I know most people here don’t care about them, but they look fun to me. Besides Heroes, Lost World, and like I said, 06, I think I can get all of the ones I haven’t played on an Xbox One, which I have, and I think they’re even making a Heroes remake which would probably be playable on it, so it’s possible. It would just take a long time.
Why does Waluigi look like he is mad that it is broken lolthe portable CD player which I have owned since 2004 is finally being put out to pasture. it only works about 5% of the time, the other 95% it struggles to read CDs and often gives errors. I invested in a new Sony brand portable CD player that should work much better. I hope to use it a lot since I have an extensive CD collection, and I have a few sheet music books that include CDs.
RIP Bug's portable CD player, 2004-2024. you will be missed.