Place your random thoughts.

I remember 7 months ago, there was this one resident at the nursing home I work at who just barely avoided the Vietnam War draft by a month (he was in his 80s). As I was cleaning his room, we were both talking about President LBJ and the Vietnam War draft and stuff. He was a very nice guy, but he's no longer in the nursing home (he left).
The only rapper I can really think of that I would willingly listen to is Tyler the Creator. His music is pretty good.
Trying to finish this tales of terror story and whyy did i make it so long
I'm so close to the ennndddd
I remember watching Halloweentown 2 and when everyone turned into their Halloween costumes (i.e. someone dressed as a witch would become a witch), I was oddly fascinated. Now that I’m Pikachu every year, I’d have to say…I wouldn’t mind if someone turned me into that cute little mouse! (But the curse HAD to be broken after that night; I don’t wanna be Pika forever!)
To be honest… I actually want to play Sonic 06. I feel like after seeing so many people the hate for the game way more than it deserved, there’s probably a decent game hidden under all the flaws. Unfortunately they never ported it to the stores on Xbox One or later, because… it’s Sonic 06, and I don’t have an Xbox 360 or PS3 so I can’t play it. But even if I could idc if I’d actually want to go through the loading screens and the janky controls. I know there’s a fan made version that fixes most of the issues but I don’t have a PC so I can’t play that either.

I also really want to play Sonic Heroes… and Sonic Unleashed … and literally every mainline Sonic game I haven’t played yet lol. I know most people here don’t care about them, but they look fun to me. Besides Heroes, Lost World, and like I said, 06, I think I can get all of the ones I haven’t played on an Xbox One, which I have, and I think they’re even making a Heroes remake which would probably be playable on it, so it’s possible. It would just take a long time.
To be honest… I actually want to play Sonic 06. I feel like after seeing so many people the hate for the game way more than it deserved, there’s probably a decent game hidden under all the flaws. Unfortunately they never ported it to the stores on Xbox One or later, because… it’s Sonic 06, and I don’t have an Xbox 360 or PS3 so I can’t play it. But even if I could idc if I’d actually want to go through the loading screens and the janky controls. I know there’s a fan made version that fixes most of the issues but I don’t have a PC so I can’t play that either.

I also really want to play Sonic Heroes… and Sonic Unleashed … and literally every mainline Sonic game I haven’t played yet lol. I know most people here don’t care about them, but they look fun to me. Besides Heroes, Lost World, and like I said, 06, I think I can get all of the ones I haven’t played on an Xbox One, which I have, and I think they’re even making a Heroes remake which would probably be playable on it, so it’s possible. It would just take a long time.

The older Sonic mainline games are so, so good. Especially Heroes and Unleashed, those are both peak Sonic right there. I still have fond memories of playing them with a past friend years ago.
So I previously defended Mark Houck and believed that the FBI overstepped their bounds when arresting him. But after learning the other side of the story, not only am I no longer defending him, but I’m beginning to question the morality of the right-wing pundits. They believed his wife’s seditious lie that the government is biased against Catholics and that SWAT forces have brutally arrested him. It didn’t help that she told this lie about 20 months after the Capitol attack. Even though there was proof that there’s no bias against Catholics or pro-life activists, the right-wing believed his story about the incident and her story about the arrest, and now they’re taking action against it and advocating for the repeal of the FACE Act.

I can’t believe that I defended this guy. I’m even shocked that the right wing news outlets are comparing government agencies to the Gestapo, and are exploiting arrests of violent zealots to prove this point. This is very dangerous.
I remember when we were in fourth grade and everyone had to write five kind words about each other on a Post-It. (I feel so old talking about Post-It notes, but I still use them.) Then everyone got the Post-Its with their names, and could read all the kind words. Most of mine were good basic ones, like “nice”, “funny,” etc. but one said “hairy.” 😂 I’m guessing this was a boy who was talking about my long hair? lol.
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the portable CD player which I have owned since 2004 is finally being put out to pasture. it only works about 5% of the time, the other 95% it struggles to read CDs and often gives errors. I invested in a new Sony brand portable CD player that should work much better. I hope to use it a lot since I have an extensive CD collection, and I have a few sheet music books that include CDs.

RIP Bug's portable CD player, 2004-2024. you will be missed. 😔💜
Why does Waluigi look like he is mad that it is broken lol