Place your random thoughts.

why am I craving trail mix lol

too late to get some stuff to make more, maybe I'll get a snack cake for now hehe
Instead of saying “deadass” my history teacher said “deceased-bottom,” which is honestly peak English and should probably be added to everyone’s vocabulary.
lol I'm getting pretty sick of hearing that word being tossed around in my high school this past month, so I agree. Where did it even come from, anyway??
lol I'm getting pretty sick of hearing that word being tossed around in my high school this past month, so I agree. Where did it even come from, anyway??
I think it's slang, commonly used by high schoolers now.

I graduated before it was a thing, but I often hear people around that age use it.
Currently obsessed with Pokémon move animations on Bulbapedia lol I would have never known what Snatch looked like otherwise. How cool is it to learn that Assist is known as Cat's Paw in Japan? It explains why the animation is a bunch of paw prints.

Also it's really interesting to learn that moves like Thunderbolt and Explosion had their flashing effects toned down. The original Red/Green animations were so extra 😂
It's part of the Halloween event. I believe anyone who is gifted a certain event-related item automatically gains the color and can "haunt" others with reacts. I may be wrong about that though.
@Reginald Fairfield hehe, the colored user title was for the Wisp spirit curse! The King Boo Idol (that's different) doesn't change your username color, but it'd be cool if it did. All it does is provide you with a special reaction.
Me right now:

(Spanky hasn’t blepped in so long—very rare to see her blep; so had to reuse this rather than make a new one).
Is kicking someone too dramatic than slapping them?

It's for a scene I'm writing in my story. I might stick with the slap, it's just that I couldn't stop thinking about this. lol
I don’t get why people at school get so surprised when I swear or flip someone off or get mad like I don’t do it that often. It’s not a rare thing but everyone thinks it is. I mean… sometimes I just get kind of annoyed lol.
I used to think Judah was a cute girl's name until I learned it's primarily used for boys. I even named a girl in a story Judah. But's still a good name.
Everybody in my family got sick a couple of days ago out of nowhere... except for me. Although I don't WANT to get sick, but if I am to catch what they have, I'd rather get it now before I get my birthday week off. I just hope my father doesn't catch it when he goes on HIS vacation, but he might have already gotten it before anyone else already.
All jokes aside, this piece is actually lovely! Someone commented it reminded them of a crazy magician who tries getting people’s attention, but they finally listen when he uses dark magic. Kind of fitting for the season. (Some of it was the intro for the Vampira Show, after all….)
Omg, I did it. I'm finally free. I just deleted my last Twitter account. Feeling good.
Those super fans or or whatever they want to call themselves. Have no clue that they are nothing but the rug that is underneath his feet. If you know who I'm talking about. If not it begins with the letter 'E' and rhymes with neon.

Excuse me while I prepare for a celebration lol.

Nevermind: I'm just going to leave it there so others can know that I'm not on it anymore (I left a pin post). But the thing I mentioned after is still true. Logout and app deleted.
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