Place your random thoughts.

"It was made by/or From a cult"

Is getting really old, YouTubers who (probably) have it running in their heads like a broken record.
I think the word “cult” has became a new insult towards fandoms. Especially if they’re going to compare them to actual cults (like the Branch Davidians).
Trying to find an apartment is like climbing up a steep hill and you keep slipping back down no matter how hard you tried. Every time I think we’ve found a place, something goes wrong. Either the requirements are too strict, or the apartment gets taken before we can apply. The system is so unfair and broken.
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1 Year later Drift still lives directly next to my house in New Leaf, I was afraid he was gonna move away. I hope Drift will continue to be my next-door neighbor forever and ever. It's been half a year since I played New Leaf and I'm glad Drift is still happy to see me and wants me to be his work-out buddy ♥️
I love you so much my little red poison dart frog 🥰
But anyone who confuses age with personal preferences/what you watched on TV and type of community (not only culture, but how they were raised at home) they grew up in are weird.

Very weird and super confusing to me. lol

Just because you done it (for example not having a cell phone in school.) or watched it or whatever. Doesn't mean everyone that is your age have done the same thing as you. Just because a bunch of faceless people online agreed with you).
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Testing your knowledge on Disney’s Frozen:

Who is Elsa? A snow queen who’s friends with a snowman, or a galaxy princess who’s friends with stars?
Nihonbox already has Frieren again... I'm not going to order it since they had the fancy anime figure last time (and the box is expensive), but I really do wonder what's inside this time. Before the figure it was a plate and a little plushie. A little figure would be nice, other than that I don't know what kind of merchandise Japan has for it.
It finally rained, last night...not much, but it's something!
My Stardew Valley farm on my first file. I finally got 100% perfection and fishing is still my least favorite thing on here.


And here's my house. It's not the best looking, but I like how it's coming out. I love the addition of new bookshelves and other book related stuff.
I got the flu shot.


My biggest worry happened (which was bleeding after the vaccine).

Here's hoping I don't get run through by side effects this year.
I doubt your appetite would match those of Charles Domery or Tarrare though:
Tarrare kind of freaks me out ngl. Apparently the man ate live animals, tried to eat corpses in a morgue, and maybe even a baby? (Though the last one might be a rumor.)
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My phone's autocorrect is atrocious (and I'm not a fan of using it as an alternative. It's the worst.). If I see 'Tiny' be autocorrect to 'Tony' one more time....

I need to find another way to write my story until I get my computer fixed or buy a new one.

I would write everything down on paper like I used to and type it all down later. But, I don't feel like looking at a paper every time while trying to type. It wasn't my favorite thing to do when I was in school, where I would write a paper report before moving it to Microsoft word. No thanks.
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So apparently “Pop Culture Jeopardy” will premiere on December 4th on Amazon Prime. I heard about it a long time ago, and now it’s finally coming out! I was actually looking into signing up for it but the whole team plan and “team name” sounded tricky.

I remember applying for “Jeopardy” about a year ago and failing the online test lol.