Place your random thoughts.

Just letting you know, amiibo Festival was only Nintendo’s second biggest software mistake of the last decade (the worst is still cutting Pokémon species in Sword/Shield).
I actually found that in a bin years ago for like $3 and I bought it. And even at that price I feel like I was robbed lmao.
Nintendo really just wants us to forget that the Wii U ever existed lmaooo
For what it's worth, I really did enjoy the Wii U and they really fixed Wind Waker. Still, I wouldn't mind a remaster of Nintendo Land with a ton of extra games added to it. Maybe something with Splatoon also.
I actually found that in a bin years ago for like $3 and I bought it. And even at that price I feel like I was robbed lmao.
Well, there’s at least one game worse than Superman 64 (and no, I’m not referring to E.T.). Now Pokémon Sword/Shield isn’t all that bad of a game, but by the standards of a Pokémon game, it is.
Gonna get me some elderflower tea. Seriously, anything elderflower-flavored is DIVINE! 😋
One thing I noticed about this election cycle was that there were no protests. I did see anger online and fears about the future, but there were no riots or protests on the streets about the election this year. It seems that people were calmer, yet angry. Whereas in 2016, there was a lot of rioting and protesting, even though Trump is worse now than he was eight years ago.

What has changed?
One thing I noticed about this election cycle was that there were no protests. I did see anger online and fears about the future, but there were no riots or protests on the streets about the election this year. It seems that people were calmer, yet angry. Whereas in 2016, there was a lot of rioting and protesting, even though Trump is worse now than he was eight years ago.

What has changed?
Following the election, I've actually seen videos of people protesting outside of the Chicago Trump Tower. But, yes, nothing widespread like the marches in 2016. I think some people are exhausted. I mean, I'm exhausted of that man. I think most people who don't support him are. But exhaustion does not always equate to apathy. I think people are tired now, but it doesn't mean they always will be.
I find it funny how Gerald Ford basically became president and vice president out of nowhere.

Ford became vice president after Richard Nixon's first vice president, Spiro Agnew, resigned. Agnew was only the second vice president in US history to resign, after John C. Calhoun.

About 10 months after Agnew's resignation, Nixon himself resigned because of the whole Watergate scandal thing, this making Gerald Ford the first and so far the only person in US history to become president AND vice president without ever getting elected to either office he did run in the 1976 presidential election, but he lost to Jimmy Carter.
Following the election, I've actually seen videos of people protesting outside of the Chicago Trump Tower. But, yes, nothing widespread like the marches in 2016. I think some people are exhausted. I mean, I'm exhausted of that man. I think most people who don't support him are. But exhaustion does not always equate to apathy. I think people are tired now, but it doesn't mean they always will be.
It could also be one of these reasons why they were just showing anger rather than protesting:
  • They may have went as far as blocking major freeways and using violence against opponents back in 2016, but after what happened on January 6th, 2021, they didn’t want to be like the alt-right and decided to express their anger at home.
  • It was a lot safer to protest back in 2016, but after all these car ramming attacks coming from opponents in past protests, they don’t feel as safe anymore. To be honest, those who attack protestors are a bigger threat than what they’re protesting against.
  • In 2016, they never experienced a presidency like Donald Trump’s or control from politicians as right-winged as the Tea Party, while they made all these social progresses under Obama. Over the last eight years, they’ve lost a lot. Roe v Wade was overturned. SCOTUS is now a conservative majority. Several state governments thwarted trans rights and voting rights while one of these states (Florida to be exact) took away Disney’s special district, which they had since the 1960’s. And that’s not even getting into all the losses everyone went through because of COVID.
Still, America has chosen poorly. They would rather vote for a convicted felon who spread several lies and incited an attack on the Capitol than someone who is more qualified. What’s even more shameful is that they believed the charges against him were politically motivated. When someone has extreme bias like that, they are beyond salvation.

I love this painting so much. It makes me feel so cozy and warm. 🥰 The artist is Lore Pemberton!
My dad once told me that he slept behind the couch on Christmas Eve to “catch” Santa. He says he wasn’t sure how old he was, but “too old” to do that. Then he said his dad (my grandpa) went up to him and said, “You know Santa’s not real, right?” and that’s how he found out. 😭

My grandpa was a funny, interesting guy who did voices into the drive-thru speaker and jumped out of the bushes to scare kids on Halloween while wearing all black. But…this? It’s kind of funny in retrospect, I guess.
if the black friday deals don’t got me running from an angry mob i don’t want it
This would be ironic if this happened:

Wish was supposed to be the 100th anniversary celebration film for Disney. It even featured scenes from their previous films in the credits. But in ten years or later, nobody would be talking about the movie or recognize it as a classic. And if they do talk about the movie, it would be more like Home on the Range and The Black Cauldron rather than Frozen and Lion King.
I got another random friend request on my switch through Persona 5. It’s kinda weird since the only multiplayer aspects are by this one fusion option, being able to view the activity of others (like it says 30% did this activity or 5% picked this answer to a question in class) and being able to be rescued by a gunshot if a party member is taken hostage. You don’t see the other players in the game at all.
Hanahaki disease is weird. Poetic, but still weird. Glad it's only a thing in fanfiction, because it'll be pretty bad in a published book, unless there is....

Unrequented Love stinks, but so melodramatic.
And this is coming from someone who consumes romance novels and writes them.
Hanahaki disease is weird. Poetic, but still weird. Glad it's only a thing in fanfiction, because it'll be pretty bad in a published book, unless there is....

Unrequented Love stinks, but so melodramatic.
And this is coming from someone who consumes romance novels and writes them.
I decided to search this up because of this post, and I found out it originated from a manga. The creator of it copyrighted the concept, which is why you don't see it in actual books. So yes, outside of that manga, it's only a fanfiction thing.
I hate that Jake Paul is boxing the nearly 60 year old grandpa version of Mike Tyson. Like, what even is this and why is it a sanctioned fight. Tyson was puking blood earlier this year and was in a wheel chair.