Place your random thoughts.

I hate that Jake Paul is boxing the nearly 60 year old grandpa version of Mike Tyson. Like, what even is this and why is it a sanctioned fight. Tyson was puking blood earlier this year and was in a wheel chair.
This isn’t my meme, but thought this was fitting 😂
Honey, I’m sorry, but 40 men and not ONE is big? No thicc hunk of man with muscles and a belly…oof! You gotta appeal to my tastes, too, and I know others share the same.

All preferences aside, I know he was in the Sexiest Man issue (though not Sexiest Man alive), but people need to stop calling Benny Blanco ugly. (Selena Gomez’s boyfriend) If this was a woman, all the looks-based insults would be shut down in a heartbeat. As long as he’s nice, that’s all that matters.
While this isn't much of a political comment, I can't say I understand Donald Trump much as a person.

Ironically his entire base is appealed by his self made image of him being the arch type to a typical soulless politician. Yet I look at Trump and I don't feel I've ever seen him without his mask. I don't know what he really believes in deep under his public exterior. I feel like I'm seeing a public charade.

As an example: There's this image of Trump holding a Bible. When he was asked to name his favorite verse, he stuttered and did everything to avoid actually answering the question. It wasn't a difficult question. I'm not greatly religious yet I could quote a couple of favorites.

Screenshot 2024-11-14 9.41.04 PM.png

That's just one example. Again, I'm not saying much about his politics. There's just inconsistencies to him that make me feel like I'm seeing a character being played.
While this isn't much of a political comment, I can't say I understand Donald Trump much as a person.

Ironically his entire base is appealed by his self made image of him being the arch type to a typical soulless politician. Yet I look at Trump and I don't feel I've ever seen him without his mask. I don't know what he really believes in deep under his public exterior. I feel like I'm seeing a public charade.

As an example: There's this image of Trump holding a Bible. When he was asked to name his favorite verse, he stuttered and did everything to avoid actually answering the question. It wasn't a difficult question. I'm not greatly religious yet I could quote a couple of favorites.

That's just one example. Again, I'm not saying much about his politics. There's just inconsistencies to him that make me feel like I'm seeing a character being played.
Same. Even back when commercials for The Apprentice came on TV, I would change the channel so fast. He just bothered me for some reason, even as a kid.
my younger brother went on a field trip to new york city, and i’m like so where was the money (and leadership) for that when i was at that same school just a year ago? lol
That Wheel of Fortune episode first aired in 2009. The South Park episode premiered in 2007. So I think Trey and Matt thought of it on their own.
I just found out this clip was edited. (Like the contestant was edited in) Definitely fooled me!
So random but I found out, according to one source, that apparently, the music that plays in the Classic Sonic version of Crisis City in Sonic Generations was used in an episode of Gravity Falls (called Dipper vs. Manliness). Not the crossover I was expecting to see but okay lol.
Today feels pretty good. I am content right now. Ahhh... ☺️
i got my ‘snowboard kids’ long sleeve on and it just reminds me of how I tell people snowboard kids and its sequel are my fav N64 games and they’re just like huuuhhh??? which ones is that???

but that’s to be expected cause of the other snowboarding game 1080 Snowboarding and other racing games like Mario Kart and Diddy Kong lol