music junkie, bookworm and Metroid fanboy
^I'm a lover of tea myself! Been having chai tea and peppermint-flavored tea lately...good stuff! I REALLY wanna get some elderflower tea though...I freaking LOVE anything elderflower-flavored. 

It really annoys me when people act like 18 isn't a legal adult by law, sure people need to wait until they're 21 to do certain adult activities but that just means you're underage not a minor. If someone isn't interested in a single thing that you need to wait to be 21 years old to do why does it matter anyways? 18 is still an adult and old enough to make your own life choices and have legal rights that people under 18 don't have.All the 2007 babies will be turning 18 next year. By 2027, all the 2000s babies will be adults by now.
And you just reminded me of the '89 theme, which is honestly my favorite:Reminds me of newer Mario games for some reason lol
I've done jury duty once. I assume it's your first time, right? Well, speaking from experience, it's really not all that nerve-wracking. Just remain calm, and always keep in mind that you're never in trouble when you get asked questions. Most of the time, you will not get selected for a trial. When I did mine for a day, it was for a car accident lawsuit, and got lucky as I was working for a car dealership at the time, which the judge views as potential bias. If you do happen to get put in a selection jury and the case details personally affect your prior life history or view favoritism towards one side more than the other, make sure to tell the judge that, but only when asked. They hate it when you straight-up tell them that you don't want to serve.I have two long driving lessons with my instructor (12/6 and 12/8) and then Jury Duty beginning on 12/9.
I don't enjoy any of these things so that's mentally exhausting. Especially for me with anxiety when things I don't look forward to = wanting to curl up and run away.
...I shall power through it though. As best as I can.