Place your random thoughts.

I keep overthinking things. Where is that turn off button for anxiety?

I’m so confused right now about the stuff with my drawing, why my colors looked wrong when i hid some layers. these layers i hid weren’t the ones I had colored and shaded the drawing on. 🤔 All my layers are 100% normal; I haven’t tried messing with the settings for the whole layer and don’t plan on it for this drawing.
Now that I think about it, I don’t ever usually have most of the more popular dishes besides turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and mac and cheese on Thanksgiving. Like, I don’t think I’ve ever had pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, or casserole before. Probably because some of the things I have are Nigerian foods and I’m sure most people don’t eat those at Thanksgiving.

This doesn't even feel real...

Edit: I am looking around at search results and it might be a fake commercial.
Okay lmao, that would make sense. I feel like there’s no way a commercial like that would be allowed to air.
Update on my Pokémon White team:

Truffles the Dwebble. Any Pokémon that can have Shell Armor or Battle Armor as an Ability is instantly joining the team. Blocking critical hits is so good. I nicknamed her Truffles because she looks like a Truffle Crab, which I recently encountered on my farm in Stardew Valley.

Jelly Blob the Solosis. Just a jiggly, squishy little guy. I called him that because in Skyward Sword, collecting Jelly Blob materials made me happy 🥰 never used one before, I didn't realize it had poor speed, but it learns lots of good TMs.

They're the newest additions, so eventually my final team will be Emboar, Audino, Seismitoad, Braviary, Crustle and Reuniclus.
Hey guys I finally broke it
Screenshot 2024-11-28 220846.jpg

I already knew it wouldn't make sense for it to be possible to follow all of the 127,000+ members on TBT but I was kind of expecting the limit to be slightly bigger than just 1,000 people you can follow. Oh well nothing I can do about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hey guys I finally broke it
View attachment 601180

I already knew it wouldn't make sense for it to be possible to follow all of the 127,000+ members on TBT but I was kind of expecting the limit to be slightly bigger than just 1,000 people you can follow. Oh well nothing I can do about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is insane and also the art of simping taken to a whole nother level if you think about it. After seeing this amazing and earth-shattering display of power, I just have one thing to say...

I attribute the unrestrained creativity of the 80's cartoons mostly to the chemical dependency of the 70's. I doubt we are going to see a resurgence in quality after current rights owners dilute their products enough to lose their audience.

I need an over the top 80's, slightly wacky, villain fix. I don't think Garmamel from the Smurfs is going to scratch that itch.
Another reason why GameFAQs is toxic:

Just recently, Sony announced that their PS2 sale numbers were outdated. The real numbers is 160 million. However, the GameFAQs users believed that they updated the sales just because the Switch is close to outselling the PS2, and then speculate that if it did, Sony will inflate the sale numbers to a false estimate of 165 million.

People with extreme biases like this shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet.
Ahh, It's Black Friday. Reminds me of when we used to get the newspaper delivered to our door and for some reason we never gotten our Black Friday paper. Because someone decided they're going to hijack it before we can get our hands on it.

Makes me glad I don't live in a neighborhood like that anymore.
I'm definitely taking advantage of the deals at Gamestop today. Buy 2 used games, get 1 free? Yes please!
I'm definitely taking advantage of the deals at Gamestop today. Buy 2 used games, get 1 free? Yes please!
Unfortunately all the Gamestops in the country shut down where I'm from. I don't know why, but they're all gone. Wish I could go to gamestop one last time lol but they closed ages ago
This song by Stratovarius perfectly describes the state of the world right now:

Currently converting our table into a little Christmas village. We had this up last year, but I'm trying to add a little more depth into it.

We're going to need some bushes and maybe some small paths. Guess I'm going to have to go to a toy store. lol