Place your random thoughts.

Thanksgiving at work was so dead, I made a total of $2 in cash tips and $4 in credit card tips. The money is split between everyone working, so that was just my cut.
Finally got my COVID-19 and flu shots for the year just now. Wanted to get it done before December hits so I don't risk getting sick. I actually can't be sick in December because I'm covering for someone at my workplace and they don't have anyone else who can do it. 💀

And also because I imagine it may be more difficult to get these next year what with the new administration and all. :/
About the Nintendo Switch sale numbers vs the PlayStation 2 sale numbers:

Just because one console sells better doesn’t mean it’s a better console (whether the Switch breaks this record or the PS2 keeps the record). The reason why the PlayStation 2 sold well was because it also functioned as a DVD player. No Nintendo console had home video features ever (except for the Netflix app). As for the Switch, the reason why it sold well was because it functioned as both a handheld and console, as it was also a lot cheaper. You can say that if a console sells better, then it is better, but it’s hard to say that for the Switch when it had a whole bunch of problems (like the Joy-con drift, lack of themes, and Pokémon going downhill) that made it a disappointment. It’s not easy to say that for the PS2 either. Sure that the games are good, but they aren’t the best games ever. And the durability is terrible.

I will say though, the one thing that made the Switch more successful than the PS2 was that the Switch was merely for gaming while the PS2 was not just gaming. So in retrospect, the Switch was more successful.
when the candy yams mix in with a little bit of the cranberry sauce >>>>>
Do not pull Do not pull Do not pull Do not pull Do not pull Do not pull Do not pull Do not pull Do not pull Do not pull Do not pull

I’m feeling tired though, kinda different than usual. I wonder if it is because I’ve been drawing so much and not doing much else? My brain has been feeling pretty zapped so probably since drawing isn’t in my normal routine.

I’ve been really enjoying drawing again. I probably will need a short break from longer projects after I do the draw the user above you though or maybe before since I want to do a good job on it 🙂. I’m hoping that I can fit in some time to draw even if it is something small, now and then to get more practice in.

I’m hoping to get some time to play my second island tomorrow so I can post in my island journal. 🙂
I found out why I haven't seen anything from a group of 4 guys I like on youtube. There was drama 7 months ago. One was trying to help someone else dox a different v-tuber. I can't even enjoy the old stuff since it was taken down.
Cassette Beasts was so much fun, why will half my playtime be unnecessary grinding for completion... achievements for each shiny per type? ;w;
someone named You Got Mail! liked one of my post and I clicked it thinking I really got mail from tbt :/
The door of closet popped open slowly last night and it scared the ever living daylights out of me.

That's what I get for not closing it properly. lol