Place your random thoughts.

Unpopular opinion but I think crocs are cute 😭 Crocs get so much flak for being goofy and unconventional but I genuinely think that's the selling point for me.... I bought a pair of transluscent pink crocs for hospital work and bought a bunch of cheap charms and I felt so cute. My charms were strawberry milk, rabbit, peach, and one had a shooting star that lit up (!!!) which was gifted by my bf cuz he knew I loved the lil charms. I used to work 12 hours almost daily and that included a lot of walking and my feet never hurt from crocs. I also like that the crocs clogs are generally big, my foot size is pretty small and I get extremely conscious with some shoe styles that highlight how small my foot is.

I wear crocs a lot of times for casual wear like a plain shirt and shorts. Gives my outfit a lil goofy pop and I think that's cute. Obviously I don't wear it if I'm wearing something a little more serious, but for casual wear which I dress majority of the time I think crocs are nice.

Also I really love how younger kids are also wearing crocs, idc if it's fake, the essence of the design is there and it makes me happy. Like sometimes the neighbors' kids come to our house and I go omg!!! :0 your pink crocs and the lil pink charms are SO cute! There's just some childlike charm to it and aaa 😭 I love crocs thanks for coming to my extremely long Ted Talk
Unpopular opinion but I think crocs are cute 😭 Crocs get so much flak for being goofy and unconventional but I genuinely think that's the selling point for me.... I bought a pair of transluscent pink crocs for hospital work and bought a bunch of cheap charms and I felt so cute.
Ngl I think crocs pair the best with hospital gear/scrubs. Actually, a lot of nurses and receptionists in hospitals I know wear crocs
I remember wearing crocs when I was a lot younger, and lowkey got my dad into them at the time as well... sadly I don't own a pair anymore, however, I kind of want to go out and purchase a pair for casual wearing now, LOL!
I’ll have to admit. The character designs for Phineas and Ferb is pretty ugly. Candace, Isabella, and Stacy especially.
My mother ran into one of our old teachers today while we were in a restaurant.

It wasn't one of my old teachers though. It was a teacher my older sibling had.

Awkward encounter avoided.
I don't know exactly how old I was, but I remember watching Terminator 2: Judgment Day when I was too young for rated R movies, that's for sure lol

The scenes that always stuck within my memory were the nuke scene and the scene where the perv abuses the mom. Even at that age, I could just feel what he was doing was wrong.

I'm watching the movie for the first time in YEARS and it's as though I've watched it hundreds of times before. It's pretty surreal.

That nuke made me think of Resident Evil 3, and the T-1000 is basically Nemesis hunting you down. It's deadly like him, but also sinister and silent like Mr. X
I love how much stuff there is to do in Persona 5/Royal, but at the same time, I feel overwhelmed often trying to decide what to do, not to mention feeling some pressure getting certain things done by a certain time in the game including social stats. Ofc part of it is because I want to accomplish everything in first playthrough. Once I got the first playthrough done, unless I start again from scratch, the later playthroughs are more manageable because some things carry over. I think when I played the base game on the first syatem that I got it for, I didn’t get everything done in the first playthrough but I was able to get a platinum trophy aftet multiple playthroughs.
I love the Christmas collectibles and it's hard making lineups because not enough room so you have to pick and choose.
Currently thinking about how before New Leaf closed down I was taking many many orders on my TBT shop and I spent like 2 weeks absolutely tweaking getting blue roses for a specific order. Oh the tears I shed over those bad boys. I hope they're well.
Xbox has achievements which are just the equivalent of trophies, but then why isn’t there a platinum trophy equivalent? There should be more of a reward for torturing myself by getting every achievement. Sure you get all 1,000 Gamerscore, but still.
why is a phone case $59?? that case better save my phone if it falls off of a skyscraper. also why do a lot of companies only manufacture cases for iphone 15 pro/15 max or whatever the latest android is? only a small portion of people are probably upgrading right away.
why is a phone case $59?? that case better save my phone if it falls off of a skyscraper. also why do a lot of companies only manufacture cases for iphone 15 pro/15 max or whatever the latest android is? only a small portion of people are probably upgrading right away.
59$? That's definitley a scam.