Place your random thoughts.

The new junk food advertising ban in the UK they want to introduce is insane. Applies to online advertising and TV before 9pm. It goes as far as to not allow advertising of sweetened yoghurt, meusli, porridge oats, protein bars, crumpets, rice cakes, smoothies, frozen potato products, ready meals, etc. It's a step too far in my opinion. And I don't think it'll do much good in tackling obesity. People won't stop buying it and feeding it to their children just because they're not seeing adverts on TV.
Headphones are just speakers that make everything quieter. Idk why but this was bugging me during Irish class the other day when I thought of it
I cannot even watch TV because the wind is so excruciatingly loud and powerful. the storm was predicted to be calmer by now, but it only seems to have gotten worse. i am trying to put off going outside for as long as possible... i would rather not be slaughtered by a falling tree if i can help it.
My uncle never showed up to my dad's funeral and vanished for years.

He found me on social media when I became an adult and started spamming me with emojis everyday. He also kept posting nude selfies on his page. Eventually his page was taken down.

He made a new account now with an alternative name. He was messaging my mother earlier asking to chat, but she had no interest.

I'm beggining to think he's drugged out. Which would be sad because he was once a medical practitioner.
Why do the cases in Ace Attorney Dual Destinies have Danganronpa-like breakdowns at the end, it's so weird... "I can solve the case... by thinking HARDER!"
i was supposed to get my hair cut today but the place is closed, so now i have to wait until Tuesday..
Why is “Married…with Children” on LOGO? Had no idea that show had an LGBT following. Interesting.
The Wicked movie was so much better than I thought it would be. I don’t know if I can wait a year for part 2
does anyone else get this weird tingly sensation in their hands when wearing mittens or is it just me? nobody else seems to know what im talking about.
My apples would love more admiration and respect from others, but they don’t need too many gifts other than money (or in Bell Tree’s case, TBT Bells). The chef apples would like wooden spoons, spatulas, pots, pans, and mixing bowls, but they don’t know if these utensils will be gifted.
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The bottom list of people viewing the forum as well as the advertisement area both disappeared for a few minutes. That was kind of creepy, lmao.

The bottom list of people viewing the forum as well as the advertisement area both disappeared for a few minutes. That was kind of creepy, lmao.

Oh, this was posted around the time the site has been consistently breaking every night. I wasn't paying attention this time but usually there's an error message.
I had a strong personality match with my driving instructor. A little too much honestly. He was in his 20's and only a bit older than me. We spent most of the lesson chatting like long time friends. (going as far as sharing our Spotify wrapped).

...I also realized that I haven't gotten to speak with a guy my age in a long time.

I think a part of me was craving that socially. It was a strange place to get it though.