Place your random thoughts.

I am genuinely surprised to learn that The Elf on The Shelf is only 19-years-old, I thought the book was published in the 1960s! 😮

It looks pretty retro to me lol. I didn’t grow up with it, but my little cousin LOVES it and said she wishes her elf could live with her forever lol.
The Elf on the Shelf fad may only be 19 years old, but that design of elf is much older. My mom has one and it is over 33 years old at least. I don't remember the date she got it, but she had it before I was born. I'll have to ask her. But its face and the overall body shape are the same as elf on the shelf today.
auntie gave us sacks of rice and my family kinda hates it.... the cooked rice is so stiff and dry, i cant enjoy my meals properly 😭 at first i thought there was something wrong with my throat every time i swallowed, then i learned that the quality of the rice is just bad. i wish i had soup

I'm proud of myself for how far I progressed with driving.

I was once afraid to even start the car.

I'm now comfortable enough to drive down a highway in congested traffic.

It just took me a long time to reach that point.
real happy for you!! very same, i used to be so afraid of the thought of driving and i didnt think i'd be a good driver. but i mustered up the courage to go to driving school and i slowly became confident in driving! im still not particularly great in heavily congested areas since they get really really stressful, but at the very least im better than i was before and i can go out on my own. :)
I was on the phone with my great uncle, and we talked for a long time (about an hour). I haven't seen him since I was little, and I feel so happy that I got to be able to talk to him! 😊
Getting an ultrawide monitor for my new PC makes me feel like I stepped 10 years into the future. I should've gotten one sooner tbh.
I’m stumped on how to make my design for Jingle’s workshop better. I wonder if I should put it aside and start working on something else for now?
So I just added all of the moon phases and season changes to my iCloud calendar all the way up until the end of the decade. This also includes apogees (when the moon is the furthest), perigees (when the moon is the closest), aphelions (when the Earth is furthest from the Sun), and perihelions (when the Earth is the closest to the Sun).
I have so many ideas when I’m drawing sometimes but this really bad stylus and the fact I’m still learning really limits what I can do. It is a bit frustrating. Right now, this stylus is making everything more difficult.
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I think by the time this event is over, I’m going to be burnt out again lol. I’m having so much fun drawing that I don’t want to stop; also, I’m worried about not finishing everything I want to do and turning it in on time.

My sinuses are starting to bother me again.
I'm already burnt out from irl things that might make my rent go up.
My history teacher finally graded an essay we did a few weeks ago and he showed it to me and said I did really good. That’s cool and all, but I thought it was more interesting that apparently, I was the only person in the entire grade to use colons and semicolons and use both of them correctly.

One day (probably next year), I'm going to try and do these again.
They're just sitting in my closet collecting dust. Had them for years, one was a handy down.

To be honest I don't even know if I have all of the pieces. One of the boxes did fall open one day and all of the pieces went spreading.
I just hope it's not the 1,000 pieces. I don't remember.
It's weird, but whenever I'm looking up stuff about movies or tv shows from back in the day, I like to look up the cast members from said movies or tv shows to see who's living and who's dead.
We may all see Toy Story as the movie that killed traditional animation. But even at the time, traditional animation wasn’t even viable for film. Disney was able to succeed because of their musicals and the Disney name, but the other animated films at the time had several other problems (like We’re Back missed the point on why kids like dinosaurs, A Troll in Central Park has a bad plot and very bad ending, and the Tom and Jerry Movie was an insult to the show it was based on), aside to not being made by Disney and having lackluster songs. Because of how expensive animation was, a failure is a huge deal. The two times Don Bluth ran a studio in the 90’s, they shut down. Very few traditionally animated movies not made by Disney at the time succeeded. And then Disney started going downhill. The invention of CGI only created an alternative form of animation, which was cheaper and later taken more seriously by audiences. When only Disney can profit off of something, and they can’t make profit off of it, then it’s not feasible. And that’s why traditional animation died.
It's weird, but whenever I'm looking up stuff about movies or tv shows from back in the day, I like to look up the cast members from said movies or tv shows to see who's living and who's dead.
I was thinking about this recently. The last living cast member of The Wizard of Oz was an actor that played as a munchkin and he died as recently as 2018. It's pretty incredible, considering that movie was released in the 1930s.