Place your random thoughts.

When I was a kid, I always preferred having all my money in coins; I guess I really liked counting them or something. But nowadays, I much prefer bills. Of course, my brother thought it was a wonderful idea to pay me back the $60 he owed me in tip money... I wish I could say he at least gave me loonies/toonies. 😭
i’ve never played it myself but that’s his favorite game. based on what he’s told me it’s sounds extremely confusing.
They have quests in the game, but there's no quest page in the menu to tell you what you did or where to go or a reminder. So you pretty much just have to rely or remembering what you did or forget that questline ever existed. The game just has a lot of flaws. I shouldn't have to get a pen and paper to keep track of quests 😅
shoutout to my mom for asking me about the plushie i wished for THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS lol "where can i buy it?" don't worry you got 364 days to figure that one out... it sold out after i showed it to her in spring though 😭
looking at steam deck skins, since i got one for christmas. who tha hell is purchasing a bright green weed themed skin??
Christmas truly is great. i can eat copious amounts of cheesecake and not feel that bad about it afterwards (hopefully).
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For Christmas, we got my dad a pack of the Papatui men’s skincare (by The Rock), which is body wash, bar soap, and 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner.

My dad didn’t even know The Rock had a skincare brand and found the whole thing cool and interesting. I know it’s probably another cash grab, but it does smell pretty good and if it encourages guys to wash up— mission accomplished!
I think I should pay better attention to my bank account when I buy things; Like, I just realized I spent a ton of money on CDs alone. 😭 However, each CD I bought averaged to around $13 per, which is in the range I'm willing to spend anyway.

It kinda sucks that the CD I wanted the most will take the longest to ship, though I suppose it'll just make the purchase all the more worth it. T^T
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This is perhaps the best aesthetic I've ever come up with on this site... PLS HELP, I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING I'M SOBBING (also because it's true XD) 😭 😂 😭

In case anyone starts wondering what it was, it was this:

Explanation: Mash in the anime Mashle is super strong like Saitama from OPM, but not that intelligent, so he doesn't know how to drive. Instead he just uses his strength to push the car down the highway at speeds not normal for a human being. 😂


Gone for now, but not forgotten. 🥲
I don't know if I've just done something stupid or clever.

We had Christmas Dinner with the in-laws, so we've no leftovers. So I've just ordered a roast chicken, a gammon joint, vegetables, gravy granules, and a whole ton of Christmas snacks. Going to spend tomorrow cooking and then live off of it until I go back to work in January.