Place your random thoughts.

Great Horned Owl update: There was some movement in the nest from a distance. These were too small to be the mama’s (horned owl females are bigger than the males), or even an adult male, so they HAVE to be owlets. No wonder the owl was glaring at me the other day…there’s a whole family in there!
it’s always been a pet peeve of mine when texts don’t distinguish nausea and vomiting in the medical setting. nausea is the sensation, vomiting is the act. you can chalk it up to semantics but as someone who struggles with stomach problems, distinguishing nausea from vomiting is kinda important.
I wonder if there will be new flowers this flower breeding event? 🤔 Maybe a silly Among Us flower? 👀 I can’t let the among us collectible idea go since the mushroom event 😅. They were so silly, sus and cute.
Jewels has been very curious about my glass of lemonade lately. neither of my girls are ever usually interested in human food. for some reason Jewels has been curious about my drink; she just tried to dip her paw in it too, which she never did before 😅.
I'm watching both Big City Greens and King of the Hill, I noticed that the family cars in both shows look nearly identical.

Both trucks are owned by the fathers in both shows, Bill Green drives the Kludge A114, and Hank Hill drives the 1993 Ford Ranger.

Cyrus is such an aura farmer in Pokemon Platinum lol. Bro tells Barry to move out of his way and he folds under ZERO pressure and does what he said. Like I said, aura farmer.
Starting to eat less and starting to eat healthier. Hopefully, w/ exercise, I'll look AND feel better!