Place your random thoughts.

Thinking about reanimating a series that I procrastinated on. Since my college days, I felt my narrative and animating skills were better than when I started the series.

I'm giving my poor pincushion over here some nice acupuncture 😂
I think you missed a spot. 😆

I can't imagine having a quail coop in your house would be very sanitary or healthy. Chickens make a lot of filth. I wouldn't want to be having that in my house. Easier to manage with a coop outside.
My location had a full out rabbit ban for the longest time. Even for keeping them inside your house. They didn't for guinea pigs for some reason. Both are edible. They changed the rabbit rules recently but are not enforcing them. They have been pretty busy with law making lately. Most people keep them in pens indoors, but I really like the idea of the quail habitat idea for them as well, but with paper bedding because they pee way more and they have hay they make a mess with. And I think ceilings are a good idea regardless. The deep base keeps things from being kicked out, and wire mesh doors on the ceiling and sides provide air even if you have a glass portion for nice viewing. I had a pen set up for guinea pigs and the pen isn't fun, but it provided more room than the plastic and wire critter cages (not talking about wire bottom cages or cages that look like something for a bird).
I still oppose the aquarium ideas that are sometimes still used. Luckily that has been dying out well. And I'm not much of a fan of glass unless it is for tiny things that can wiggle through small spaces.
The pens used now for rabbits and guinea pigs are usually a deep pvc base instead of canvas and the pen that sits on that which was wide gaps.
I need to find that clip of when Doug says “Why is everyone so thirsty?!” from the bartending episode (King of Queens) so I can use it as a reaction gif.
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My cat has cat acne. I didn't know that was a thing until recently. After a costly vet visit, I am now having to wipe her chin with two different things twice a day.

The reason I mention that, is because I find it cute that, after the short struggle twice a day, she retreats to my bed. And I mean right on top of my covers, like that is a good hiding spot.

But I realized that my bedroom is probably the only place she feels safe from this "nightmarish" cleaning of her chin! I am going to respect her wishes from now on. My bedroom is the neutral zone... Free parking. Otherwise, It's medicine time until her chin looks better!

I definitely hate doing the medicated wipes on her chin though, I feel like her trust with me will need to be mended later.
Is it me, or goes George H.W. Bush sound like Mr. Rogers? Idk why, but maybe that's just me.
It’s just you. Mr Rogers was from my area and he has always lived in western Pennsylvania. Bush has a bit of a southern accent when he talks. I can hear the difference.
With synthetic parts for humans advancing with AI help, like a mechanical organ vs an organ from another person or pig, I wonder if it will spill into body modification too for beauty or self expression. I am curious on what that would look like as well. Contact lens did. They aren't just for sight improvement, but for changing eye color or even to give you different eyes all together like cat pupils.
I also wonder if there will be employment problems with it. Unlike contact lens I don't think you can just remove synthetic parts or materials from your body for your work shift. Maybe by then, employers will lose the ability to dictate your body parts like they dictate with hair now. *Remembers natural bright red heads being harassed by management on the job*
Apparently, there's a 1-2% chance of an asteroid hitting us in 2032. Scary.
So I finally finished the "cozy" mystery I was reading and it was a M-E-S-S. In addition to staying with a guy who called her friend "pudgy" and "built like a barrel", the main character was all over the place. Also

--No "grit ball" or leaving the domestic abuser (a side character). They actually stayed together and attended the wedding in the book. They have a young daughter, too, and though it's's still messed up. Kids shouldn't be around that.

--More women calling each other fat in front of the little girl, who asked what Spanx were.

--Jokes about dog poop and finding jewelry in dog poop. Nasty.

--Near the end, the author got sidetracked with this subplot about a child with brain cancer. It would be fine to keep this as a subplot, but I feel like she got so distracted that the ending was rushed and none of the loose ends were tied up.

Yikes. I haven't read a cozy mystery this bad in a while. I would say "novel" in general, but I've mostly been into the cozies.
So the fast food I eat the most frequently now is Panda Express. Seems unusual, given how many McDonald’s and Subways there are.
^For me it's Taco Bell. Can't get enough of dem grilled cheese burritos! 😋
I used to run a thread for Animal Crossing town tunes here a while ago after the person who used to do them left the forums, and I'm thinking of returning to it as I still have a few requests I procrastinated on. But every time the opportunity comes up, I either forget or if I don't, I don't feel ready for some reason.

I kinda feel bad about it to be honest.