Place your random thoughts.

I put so many of my old drawings (mainly fanart) in a google drive folder just so I could cringe at them and crap on my younger self's art skills. Of course, I don't think all of my old drawings were bad.
Guess what today is!

Annoy Squidward Day
Umm…is it just me or was that Snatch Game rough?! Onya and Jewels were the funniest, but everyone else fell flat to me.

but scissors! (whatever that joke was supposed to be…)
I full body cringed when Lana said she was doing Rosa Parks. Arietty's baby was awful, too. She should've been in the bottom.
I full body cringed when Lana said she was doing Rosa Parks. Arietty's baby was awful, too. She should've been in the bottom.
For some reason I was hoping Sam Star would do Anna Nicole Smith or someone else who’s more outrageous…I mostly know Kim Gravel from QVC lol. She used to have a reality show called “Kim of Queens” where she was a pageant coach, but I never watched it.
Anna Nicole Smith... didn't Adore do her already? I'd avoid doing a character someone else already did but who knows. Pretty sure I'd do awful on Snatch Game anyway.
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Anna Nicole Smith... didn't Adore do her already? I'd avoid doing a character sometime else already did but who knows. Pretty sure I'd do awful on Snatch Game anyway.
Oh, right! Yeah! I think Snatch Game is probably harder than it looks. The only impression I’m halfway good at is Arnold Schwarzenegger, but Idk if that would work lol.
Crazy there is a protein that is like 100x sweeter than sugar and companies aren’t using it! Probably expensive to produce so people really need to get on mass growing the plant that makes the protein.
One day I was at the vet’s office and an old guy was there with his dog. He was talking about his older dog, who passed away, and then started talking about his current dog. He said his dog likes watching Western movies with cattle in them, and people on TV— “all colors, too!” 😂 I thought that was a little awkward to say in public, but at least he’s got the spirit!
Because of my random tics when I’m alone and playing an intense video game, I realize that it’s not just Mollycord (which I’ve been ranting about for almost a year) and (the first site I posted on the forums) that I have antipathy towards. I’m like this to every site/community that I’ve been permanently banned or temporarily silenced from, and the fact I got punished on these communities isn’t the only reason why I have a low opinion towards them. Special mentions go to Total Drama Wiki (at least in 2009) and Cartoon Network’s boards when they existed due to their extremely strict management practices. I’ve also said bad things about ResetEra and Animal Crossing Community, even though I’ve never had an account on those two sites.

Said tics also reminded me how toxic the Total Drama fandom was. I may have heard/experienced bad things about several fandoms (prime examples being the Loud House fandom and Pokémon fandom), but I will never forget how toxic the Total Drama fandom was when it comes to Courtney, the Duncan x Courtney relationship, and Total Drama Action. The reason: it’s because that’s how I got banned from two of the five communities I got permabanned from.