I want to finish my garden, but I'm a little stuck. I like what I have so far, even if it is a little generic. I've been changing it little by little and I'm sure it'll change again in the future. Anyway, for the current setup, all I need now are the benches. But I'm unsure which to pick. For visualization there will be four total, one on each side of hedge with the fountain as the centerpiece. I don't want to use iron garden benches since those are already in town, so this is only for the museum garden.
exhibit A:
exhibit B:
I like the white one, but it blends in so much that it's practically invisible and doesn't stand out at all. Maybe it's just because of winter? I can't tell.
As for the brown one I think it looks good too, but its just...okay. And the garden is already generic, so I want a little more than 'okay'. Also I'm definitely open to other suggested items, as well as general opinions, criticisms and suggestions for the overall garden as well.
exhibit A:
exhibit B:
I like the white one, but it blends in so much that it's practically invisible and doesn't stand out at all. Maybe it's just because of winter? I can't tell.
As for the brown one I think it looks good too, but its just...okay. And the garden is already generic, so I want a little more than 'okay'. Also I'm definitely open to other suggested items, as well as general opinions, criticisms and suggestions for the overall garden as well.