amiibo Festival Please stop with the overly negative posts || Why community negativity will hurt AC

That is one of the funniest things I've seen. So true tho ;)
Well. To be honest, I really thought of selling my console. Then I've come back to my senses : I have a Wii U blog to update, I have a ton of games I bought but still haven't played...
Seeing all these hate threads on this forum reminds me of how some forums on has nothing but hate threads. The Squirrel Boy, Out of Jimmy's Head, and (at one time) Flapjack forums had many topics about how Cartoon Network is failing and how these shows suck. Really, a forum on one primary subject is to discuss the subject, not to bash on it, even if not many people like it.
Hey guys,
I really want to stress to you guys that being incredibly unsupportive of the two spinoff games is a huge mistake. The cost to create a video game is intense, and it takes years to complete. These spinoffs are ways to make money for main instalments to come out.

Argument 1: But Rooftops, It said Animal crossing on the WiiU and we got a stupid spinoff!
どうぶつの森 + Was released December 2001
Wild World was Released in Japan on November 23rd 2005- Nearly four years after どうぶつの森 +.
City Folk was released in Japan on December 2008- Three years after Wild World
New Leaf was released in Japan November 2012 - Nearly four years after City Folk.

It is currently 2015. It has yet to pass the three year marker for a game. The three year marker was from WW to CF- which was the smallest difference in ANY animal crossing series to date. It was a rushed game with significantly less dialogue than new leaf, less new features from any other game, and a rather small set up.

Argument 2: But Rooftops, Look at it! It sucks!!
If anyone cared about getting a new Animal crossing game after New Leaf, you would stop negatively posting about the game. These two games are likely to gain revenue to continue production on the next game instalment. If you continually post it into a negative light, the fewer buy and the less revenue they pull in. The less revenue, the less likely the next real AC game will have any real budget. We will end up with another city folk- good, but not overtly different from the last in the series.

Argument 3: But they promised us a WiiU animal crossing game!
And you got an animal crossing game. Two actually. Animal crossing is a franchise. It's not just a game series. Being in Japan myself for a while, you see that it is a full on franchise that is everywhere as more than just a game. It's like saying we're getting a new pokemon game and get mystery Dungeon. It's a pokemon game, an Amazing one. But it isn't the main series. No one ever said anything about it.

As a game maker myself, I'm more disappointed with the animal crossing community than I am with any other thing that happened today. A mario party-esque animal crossing game? Can I scream in anger at my friends while playing as the evil tom nook? Woah!
I wouldn't buy this game myself, maybe the other one. But you guys don't know the harm you will be causing the franchise you all love if you continue talking like this. Be smart, Be kind, Be positive and stay optimistic. :)

Thanks for your time.

You're so right! I do agree with you, that this is just to tie us over for the wait. It hasn't been long enough yet for it to be announced. I think it could be announced the next Nintendo Direct, before Holiday, after Holiday or sometime in next year's E3 or we'll have to wait until the NX for it but I think that is least likely, though still possible, as the NX will be talked about next year.

Though, people have to realise! We should be happy with these two spin-off titles to tie us over! Nintendo are being kind. We have never had other Animal Crossing spin-offs to tie us over for the next series installment, so we need to have some respect, and such. Sure, we're disappointed but we have games to tie us over! This gives more time for Nintendo to make the Wii U or NX one so much better! Have faith! We'll get it soon, just be patient and realise that Ninetndo is just tying us over, not trying to toy us :)

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all the people saying they hate this game, we all know you're gonna buy it anyway
If im correct it would pass the 2 year mark this year, plus of the game was announced it would probably come out next year, sooo.
Don't buy it for a while and maybe they'll reduce the price? :rolleyes:
I don't think that people should continue to post things those particular things that you listed, which wouldn't really call arguments, but just statements. People should still be vocal about their opinions, its not hard to put a constructive criticism out there, I do it all the time. It's a good thing.

I'm going to state my opinion right now actually, I'm not excited for either of these games and here's why. Both titles are rumored to be full price and both will have amiibo support, which is just glorified day one on disk dlc.

Us, and by that, I mean everyone who is a potential buyer is the person paying. You don't pay for something just because it will help them make another game, thats not a particularly smart practice to follow. That's almost saying that you should buy whatever they sell even if it is crap. The developers are human like anyone else and can definitely get it wrong and if you feel that they did, then say so. I'm probably forgetting some points, oh well.
I agree, I'm not exactly thrilled about the amiibo festival game but whatever, I'm just not going to buy it. There's no need for people to get all upset and whiny about it
Overly negative is bad, yes. But I do think the whole amiibo thing is greedy. If I pay full price for a game, I should get the full game. It's the same reason I didn't buy skylanders- why should I have to buy all those extra pieces just to finish the game (you could get to the end, but not complete it 100% without buying more stuff).
Maybe you can play it without amiibo, if that's true I will probably get it. But given the name of the game and the trailer, that seems unlikely.
I will say I feel bad for the people at Nintendo who are working on this. They must feel terrible at the reactions. They should have showed off some more Zelda U, then people would have something else to talk about.
Imagine if they did annouce an Animal Crossing Wii U game but it's nothing more than a lightly edited version of New Leaf, just like City Folk was to Wild World? Everyone would whine about that too.
Imagine if they did annouce an Animal Crossing Wii U game but it's nothing more than a lightly edited version of New Leaf, just like City Folk was to Wild World? Everyone would whine about that too.

So you're saying they shouldn't? Let's say that did happen and Nintendo released a trailer for ac wii U showing a small bit of gameplay and said it was coming out today and said nothing else. You're saying you wouldn't mad if it turned out to be the same game with somewhat better textures and lighting. What the op is trying to say is nice and dandy, but he or she comes off in a way saying that we shouldn't discuss our critisms or concerns and that isn't coo.
What would really make me want to buy this game is if you could use the card amiibo from HHD to play as your favorite villagers.
I'm terribly shocked how a mass number of the Nintendo fans reacted the past few days. It's awfully discouraging as a person who love to play video games.

amiibo Festival looks to milk the series, but I do think there's something to enjoy about it in some form. At least for the kids, who are Nintendo's main target audience.
I agree that people are getting so worked up over nothing. I admit that I wasn't impressed at first about HHD. But after i watched the Nintendo Treehouse with the extended gameplay, I'm much more excited and basically sold on it. I know a lot of others felt the same way about HHD. They barely showed anything about AC:AF because it's still in development. I'm sure we have a lot more in store if people would stop being so quick to judge.
So you're saying they shouldn't? Let's say that did happen and Nintendo released a trailer for ac wii U showing a small bit of gameplay and said it was coming out today and said nothing else. You're saying you wouldn't mad if it turned out to be the same game with somewhat better textures and lighting. What the op is trying to say is nice and dandy, but he or she comes off in a way saying that we shouldn't discuss our critisms or concerns and that isn't coo.

No no, that would be a bad thing which is why people shouldn't be in such a rush for an Animal Crossing Wii U game. I'd be willing to wait longer, as long as Nintendo is actually working on adding more things to the game, of course. I'm sure it's coming. Everyone just needs to be paitent instead of stomping their foot because "they want it now."

What OP is saying is more directed at the people shouting things like "Nintendo sucks!" which don't help the situation. Like there is a thread here telling people to dislike the Amiibo Party video. Do I even need to explain why that's dumb?
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I think it is a matter of opinion. People need to voice out what they want so that the game makers can make the game people will actually buy and thus more money for developers which in turn will motivate them to make more games for people...making a cycle of happiness and money.

But what they did this time around is sheer capitalism. They expected us to buy 2 half baked games when they should have focused on one great game.

I am optimistic that they can turn this around and make the 2 games better. But for now...I can only see this a scheme for amiibo.
alright so looking at the game now, im not as mad at it as i was before. its free, as long as you have the amiibo.

it still is amiibo shovelware though. would have liked for the amiibo to be optional and have it as an eshop title than "free" and amiibo centric
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