what we need is to start the events going..we need someone creative that would do them.
and come up with new events
that would be good :)
when need to have an event atleast by this coming week
pm me conor :)
we have our new event organizer
he will give u the details of the coming up events :)
he has good things in mind already :)
Congratulations Conor
PurelyYoshi said:
Hey Phil!
Im on The Member List Of TEG?
Omg Thanks =D
Check out the New Sig >=)
Liek It? I luv it.
you were a member since the day we were all laughing cuz of the q tip xD
The last time you mentioned about us becoming members is when you said you were considering me and ACCFLover becoming Members.
By the way if anybody adds me have a dance emotion ready because my Shovel is My Giant Q Tip In ACCF o.o

On Sunday the 5th July I will be hosting a staff event where Phil, IceZ and Kalinn will be coming to my town, basically where some discussion will take place.

On Saturday 11th July I will be hosting an event for all members, we will most probably play Pitfall maze, if you wish to come you will have to PM me, depending on how many people want to come I may hold 2 events that same day.

My aim is to have 1 event each week.
ok sounds good make sure u pm them
ill be back in a while
later guys