Well guys here is The plan for tonight with my life
Me and My mom and like 11 other people are going to see HP:ATHBP at Midnight tonight and We are going to rest in a few mins before movie so that means no Computer Video Games no nothing except TV ;_;
So if you want to play with me play with me now xD
Just wanted to let you all know, I won't be too active on the forums this week. Main (and only) reason for this is because I am starting my community service hours at a camp to complete my 40 hours for my school (it's mandatory for everyone here). I go for about 8 hours during the day and then I get home exhausted (Seriously, those kids at the camp are like energizer bunnies!). So I might not be on for a bit. I'll try though to get on when I can move my limbs XD
oh guys, i figured I should tell you all this before I go, I'm gonna be gone from Sunday to saturday, or something like that. I'm going to St. Louis for the first time ever!