Pocket Camp Club

I'm upset but not too surprised because deep down I always knew they'd do something like this. They already made 50 million dollars off of this piece of trash, and it looks like they're milking every single cent they off of this app before they're going to shut it down a few months after NH releases. And they're pretty much right, the loyal consumerist fans will spend every dime they can to support their favorite little coporate-produced game. But I guess I'll just wait for more info to release, but I have a gut feeling this is marking an awful change to pocket camp, and it might be the beginning of the end, but idk ヽ(*?з`*)ノ
Kinda wondering how much this paid membership will cost. If I remember correctly, in Mario Kart Tour, you have to pay for the pass $5,99 each month
I'll save my rage for the details, but it really seems like a short term thing so they can milk the app for all it's worth before March. I'm expecting offline earnings and premium daily rewards for each plan, not really bad if it's cheap but it's most likely just going to be Nintendo earning millions monthly by doing nothing additional. They could have at least waited with this until they fixed Gulliver...
It sounds like they're launching it at the same time as the new Gulliver. I haven't spent a lot of time in Mario Kart Tour, so I have little idea what this is going to be. But, yeah, it seems a little late with New Horizons coming up. I just hope friends I made in PC can be carried over to that game.
I noticed even the Japanese fanbase wasn't happy about this new subscription service. Many on twitter were concerned. That's a very big y i k e s

Nintendo's really losing focus with the rise of mobile games. Putting more features behind paywalls isn't a good look long term. Of course, companies have to make profits. However, the aggressive way they've been going about it is all wrong. It's pretty clear they haven't been listening to feedback anymore since the Gulliver fiasco. I'm annoyed so many items are only accessed with leaf tickets.

I took a long break from playing but came back to Pocket Camp at the beginning of the month. It was discouraging to see almost every event item or camp background cost leaf tickets. Looking at the refill events was just... welp. Leaf Tickets for a bubble??

If Nintendo really wanted money from us, they should make stationery or plush of the villagers. Team up with Build a Bear and boom. I know Japan has merch, but there's so much potential and it's honestly shocking they haven't taken advantage like Pokemon has.
it seems to be an optional subscription service, why they are doing this 2 years later with NH coming in 4 months is an odd business choice...

Because they know most of the people playing PC now are gonna ditch the game hard when New Horizons is released, so they're trying to milk this cow for all it's worth.
This pocket camp club is an all new low
:( the cookie system is bad enough, why do they need to make more money making options?! Eventually the game is going to be like a lot of other games- unenjoyable without spending money. I refuse to spend a cent in the game. I thought pc was good at being extremely inclusive to those not paying money but that?s changing. I would rather have paid for the game upfront than have all these micro transactions. Shady. Anyone else agree?

It also takes the kid friendly aspect out. We don?t need more addictive games that seem harmless teaching kids to be greedy and want all of these exclusive options. Not fair to them
Yeah, I definitely think the rage is totally fair no matter the content, I mean MK Tour is a really trashy game when it comes to subs and I'm glad I never got into that and heard what it was about beforehand. And just locking stupid thing just because they *had* to get back old Gulliver is definitely not the way to go. And that's kinda ironic, it's like they think people will not play FE just because FEH or stuff, I mean as long as they makes good full game I don't mind. But doing this to jump the cheap and loser bandwagon just no.. why?
I'm just afraid that we'll get less free things now that they're hellbent on doing this paid membership thing. I love the freebies of ACPC as is and I hope they don't cut down on that.

...well, not that I'm actually affected by any of this. Since ACPC is region-locked and is unavable in my country (I only use VPN to download updates and such), I really can't pay for upgrades since it'll ask for my billing address lol.
I’ve somewhat lost interest in pocket camp, what they’re offering would’ve been nice for everyone. The thing I’ll mostly miss is the “have an animal run the camp” part because it seems cute, other than that I’m disappointed.
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I am not very happy about this change, but I will wait and see the details. Leaf tickets are already expensive enough.
It looks like the higher level membership ($7.99 US) doesn’t include the “perks” of the lower level membership ($2.99 US). Unless I’m wrong, that means you don’t get the helper unless you buy both. As for the monthly “free cookies,” you generally get more than five from a month of 5000 bell cookies. Unless they’re taking that away. The best part of the vids was the preview of the upcoming Christmas items. I like the choir.
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Well, it's another money-making attempt but i am not annoyed at it at all since it's optional. I'd rather manage my campsite myself
I?ve somewhat lost interest in pocket camp, what they?re offering would?ve been nice for everyone. The thing I?ll mostly miss is the ?have an animal run the camp? part because it seems cute, other than that I?m disappointed.

It does sound cute, but isn't the game's purpose to run your own campsite? I personally enjoy completing animal requests everyday and earning rewards for actually playing the game, so for another animal to do that all for me seems rather pointless in my opinion. I agree though, definitely disappointing.
glad there's a 1 month trail period...for the helper one, sad that such features are behind a wall.
I'm not mad at the 2,99 helper plan, as you get tickets and it can be useful if you can't play because of school /work and you want to win those events. You also get 60 leaf tickets every month so it's almost as you pay for them. The cookie one for 7,99 is incredibly expensive, you can't get the leaf tickets and the other perks.
Funny how Nintendo hide the comments under their video because they can't take the opinions of their fans to this. Well, still not interested, gonna play the game like always and don't care for it.
Funny how Nintendo hide the comments under their video because they can't take the opinions of their fans to this. Well, still not interested, gonna play the game like always and don't care for it.

That's how capitalist greedy companies work, they only want the good criticism :/ But yeah I hope people don't pay for this nor support it; either plan is just dumb and I'm not even gonna use my free trial, this is just shaming and ****tin all the loyal users who have been on and off for years and bought leaf tickets and such for supporting(yes i pay for that, no hiding) the game.
It's so obvious that they don't see this as a longtime thing when their online subscription is $19.99 per year and this is $11.98 per month (though even if you only buy one subscription you'll still pay either $35 or $95 per year)... But yeah, one subscription is for the collectors (even though 5 cookies per month is pretty low even for that) and one is so that you can play Pocket Camp passively once New Horizon arrives. There's really no need for this to be a subscription, just offer these things for "premium members" after a one time payment.