Pocket Camp Club

I am glad I am not the only one driven nuts by red exclamation points on things in game (also i cant stand red dots on my phone). I think I will try the trial thing, but I am afraid having the helper will annoy me.

Ugh yeah I hate those memories alerts cause u have to click on every single one to get it away or watch it, idk how it works.

but yeah just saying you can cancel already, just go to your apple id, click on subs and then click on your active sub to cancel
so ive caved to all the cuteness online and have done the free trial for the happy helper plan. Currently have to wait for all ym crafting to be done before i can test the shorter crafting times but does seem helpful. The free leaf tickets was sweet. I currently have wolfgang following me and its cute but hes not actually that helpful in terms of collecting items and completing requests. Its cute and makes me happy but i definitely wouldn't pay for the plan. I intend to change up my helper every so often so i can experience all my faves running behind me.
I?m trying the free trial for helper. Nice to have things craft right away. We?ll see. When do I get my 60 leaf tickets?
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can somebody tell me if we can subscribe without having a credit card? (like having store credit in your itunes account for example, can they deduct it off that?)
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can somebody tell me if we can subscribe without having a credit card? (like having store credit in your itunes account for example, can they deduct it off that?)

in android i know u need your card details in (i already had mine for when i spent like 8 bucks on another game a year ago) so ti was fine for me, but i think it should work with itunes credit for apple, however i don't have one so not entirely sure sorry.
i might keep the happy helper plan if i can transfer my data to my phone. im using my ipad. The fortune cookie one is stupid. I would get it if you would just get at least 1 5 star from each cookie. (im trying to say that the first cookie you get from that set will always be a 5 star item, then the rest can be 3 stars or 4 stars)
can somebody tell me if we can subscribe without having a credit card? (like having store credit in your itunes account for example, can they deduct it off that?)

Yeah you can use store credit, at least it listed that for me, although I just entered my cc info and then removed it after cancelled sub.

But yeah make sure to cancel or they will debit off that every month.
I'm absolutely not buying this. Why did Nintendo think this was necessary? I've already spent around $80 on this game from buying leaf tickets. There are plenty of other people who have spent far more than that. I can't understand how they can be so desperate for money when Pocket Camp is already a huge cash cow. This is getting ridiculous, the greed has gone too far.

Yeah I just read about these new subscription services (I haven't played pocket camp in months so I'm behind on the happenings of the app) and it's seriously disappointing that they're willing to go this far to get as much money out of their apps as possible.

I read about the feautures you can get from each subscription. They're locking basic needs behind a paywall, like storage space, and that's messed up.
I also heard about how, as of late, they've made the game more intensive in the way that you have to spend a lot of time with it in order to get stuff done (which was never really an issue before) and now if you want to stay away from it more, you have to buy the cheaper subscription so the game will essentially play iyself in thr background. You're basically giving them money to not play the game. At that point I would consider that stealing. Someone's gotta draw the line somewhere.
Well yeah you had to play a lot and intense before so yeah it was an issue but recent years made it worse and also hence why I didn't really want to get back into it but here I am lol.

And yeah the storage and cookie plan is a scam, I mean just reissue them and let people pay if they want to as for cookies, and the storage is just a basic thing you shouldn't charge for.

The follower/quest help is alright and while I enjoy my free trial not wasting on that :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

Well yeah you had to play a lot and intense before so yeah it was an issue but recent years made it worse and also hence why I didn't really want to get back into it but here I am lol.

And yeah the storage and cookie plan is a scam, I mean just reissue them and let people pay if they want to as for cookies, and the storage is just a basic thing you shouldn't charge for.

The follower/quest help is alright and while I enjoy my free trial not wasting on that :(
I have almost come to the end of my subscription (i cancelled it today and it runs out on the 23rd) and here's my review:
- i did find it cute having animals run with me and i enjoyed talking to them. i changed them out every so often and i had a bout 5 villagers helping me throughout the month
- The campers help wasn't that great, cos usually they didn't get many gyroids or fish, and with butterflies they got colours i wasn't necessarily trying to get. Overall, the help saved me maybe playing 3 rotations and got me more pricy fish and bugs then i would usually catch (just because i'm lazy and just tend to buy them from the marketplace)
- The best thing i found about the membership was the shortened crafting time, since ive had a campsite from release date, everything crafted immediately for me. However, this definitely is not worth getting the $5 membership for, if your patient enough to wait with crafting times you may as well

TLDR: The happy helped plan was cute and saved some time, but if your patient like me and happy to play every rotation, it's really not worth it and i won't be updating my plan. Furthermore, i found whilst having the plan i wanted to play less as i no longer needed to complete requests as my campsite helper would just do it for me. I do not think it's worth paying for, but it was nice during the free trial :)
^Yeah I enjoy(ed, it stops on Saturday I think?) having your villager collecting stuff and the shortened crafting time, some upper tier amenities are just cray, but honestly I wouldn't wanna pay for it, and especially not for a monthly deduct model sub like they have made it. If it was like, pay $30 a year and it would automatically end when that year is over, sure I could have considered it but that you have to either keep adding credit or they having your bank account no thanks like this.

And yeah the event help was kinda useless imo, you could just buy a golden rod or event nets/honeys etc.
I'm definitely going to avoid it as I do with any in-app purchases. But it's rather unfortunate that it's just another money grab- the concept is super cute and I would have loved to try it. Maybe I'll give the free trial a shot after I obtain my favorite villager(s).
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I'm definitely going to avoid it as I do with any in-app purchases. But it's rather unfortunate that it's just another money grab- the concept is super cute and I would have loved to try it. Maybe I'll give the free trial a shot after I obtain my favorite villager(s).

Yeah trial is worth it but yeah I wouldn't want to pay like $4 a month for it. I really hate the principle of it and that kind of scum sub model in general. As I said a one time payment you can renew if you want and when it expires it expires would have been a-ok in my book but this nope.
From my experience, the helper gave me a lot of levels and treats. I was swimming in so many materials that I just spent them all on Gulliver's Islands, which gave me plenty of treats to level up the other campers in addition to leveling up the helper quite a bit.

For the events, it was really only helpful during the fishing tournament. It was the equivalent of getting an extra round of fishing in every day.

For the gardening and gyroidite hunts, it barley helped at all. During the gardening events, I only ever got the most common butterfly and only got 1 or 2 per cycle. I only got 1 gyroidite on average per cycle, so maybe an extra 8 per day.

Overall, it was cute and nice, but definitely not something I could see myself spending money on. If you're new to the game, it could be helpful for a while. But if you're a veteran, it's definitely not worth it.
I am also really annoyed that the free trial needs credit card info so that they can start taking money off afterwards unless you quickly cancel the plan. Some people won't know or remember to do that, feels like a really nasty trick to pull in my opinion. I'm also very anxious about giving these companies my credit info so I'll probably have to miss out of the free trial
$10.99 a month for 6 fortune cookies of your choice (and not even all are available at that, the most popular ones probably aren’t going to be one of the options), a few hours off refurbishing or crafting items, and some other useless stuff I can’t even remember because they’re so pointless and so not worth your money at all. It’s so overpriced and expensive, and none of the stuff they’re offering your is in any way worth what you’re paying for. Leaf tickets are already expensive as it is, then they come in with this ‘plan’ like anyone is going to pay $11 a month for a couple of fortune cookies and faster crafting items. No thank you, I’ll just wait for the *real* Animal Crossing game to come out in 2020.
The perks really aren't worth paying for in my opinion, I'm doing the free trial and it's nice but I won't pay for it lol
It eems like an attempt to keep pocket cam active once new horizons comes out, but I don't play it nearly enough to spend actual money on it. I'm sure it's great for an active player but I'm just not into mobile gaming like that enough. I think pocket camp has too much crammed in it for what the game is.
I ended up keeping my Happy Helper subscription for two extra months but I have now cancelled it. I'll miss having my favourite villagers follow me around but it really wasn't worth the cost even though it was only about $4 CAD per month. I actually got quite annoyed with how full my mailbox would constantly get, the helper is a bit TOO helpful :p I got so desparate that I sold all 999 steel, wood and paper in my inventory to try to clear out my mailbox, but I STILL had some left over!
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