Pocket Camp Club

Over the last year, PC has become less fun and more something I do out of habit. I've logged in every day, but it may be time to close down my camp.
New videos didn't inspire confidence. The Depo Plan especially is worrisome. And the fact they felt the need to separate the features into two plans is even worse.
That's how capitalist greedy companies work, they only want the good criticism :/ But yeah I hope people don't pay for this nor support it; either plan is just dumb and I'm not even gonna use my free trial, this is just shaming and ****tin all the loyal users who have been on and off for years and bought leaf tickets and such for supporting(yes i pay for that, no hiding) the game.
Good thing is they can't hide the Twitter comments to this, which are pretty negative overall so far.

Also, I just read more about this and apparently, you basically pay so that the game plays itself. Like for what do I need the help of a villager who basically do all the "dirty work" for me, only that I have (almost) nothing to do anymore?
Good thing is they can't hide the Twitter comments to this, which are pretty negative overall so far.

Also, I just read more about this and apparently, you basically pay so that the game plays itself. Like for what do I need the help of a villager who basically do all the "dirty work" for me, only that I have (almost) nothing to do anymore?

Yeah exactly, they really want to turn that game really idle, why can't they just shut it down like Miitomo if such? And yeah I hope they think again though I doubt it.
Looking at the videos with an app called vidiq shows it’s extremely low like in the 30% so it hasn’t been well received, I’m honestly playing pc just to pass the time with the back log of games I have.
I want those cookies, but I don't think the cookie/depot plan has a free trial to take advantage of. :c
it seems to be an optional subscription service, why they are doing this 2 years later with NH coming in 4 months is an odd business choice...

My thought was that, considering some of the features include that you appear to be able to delegate some of the less fun tasks to one of your villagers, maybe the idea is to get players who got bored of the game but still like the design aspect of the game to come back? But IDK, personally I feel like Pete's Parcel Service already made tasks like helping animals and stuff way easier...
Lmao so you can't try the trials unless you have/add funds. Shaking my head. Just make everyone get that and let them choose if they want more afterwards regardless of funds :/ This charging thing if you forget to cancel if just even more scum and while tickets could be nice I'm not even gonna do this.

One thing if they was like like "hey try this one month, and then we have those plans for $xx a month" or this for a year or such.. I mean yeah you gotta have funds for em to charge but that's just even more a no-no. While free tix would have been nice sorry gotta skip those.
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Even if you (understandably) hate this idea I recommend doing the free trial to snatch those 60 free leaf tickets
Even if you (understandably) hate this idea I recommend doing the free trial to snatch those 60 free leaf tickets

Ugh this is real shady but got guidance how to get and cancel it, but yeah def. not gonna pay further for anything else like this.. like wow.
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I tried out both of the subscriptions. I can see the helper one being worth it and I don't mind the price. The cookie/depot plan is definitely not worth it unless you buy a lot of cookies. I'll probably keep the helper plan. I like supporting the game and having the little helper face next to mine in the menu. Honestly they should probably have just combined both subscriptions instead of making them seperate but I guess it's good for people like me who want to pay less and don't care about cookies. I have to admit the membership card looks awesome.
It?s always like that though. Once established, things are no longer free. I?m trying out the free trial. Already marked the date on my calendar to unsubscribe. It?s helpful because it allows me to catch up on items I haven?t crafted yet, but you also have your little camp manager following you around whenever you?re catching bugs or whatnot, so that?s a little annoying (but still cute so I keep that option on). Other than that, I don?t really see the point in staying, so hopefully no funny business/hidden charges when I unsubscribe.
No, no, the helper is annoying me already. She gathers 112 wood, 85 steel, etc. and I have to go in and sell all that junk just to be able to clear out my mailbox. I sent Nin feedback, but I doubt they’ll care. I guess some want that stuff in their mailbox so they can replenish as they craft, but I rarely craft and my OCD won’t let me live with a red exclamation and a full mailbox.
I am glad I am not the only one driven nuts by red exclamation points on things in game (also i cant stand red dots on my phone). I think I will try the trial thing, but I am afraid having the helper will annoy me.
Does anyone know if all the advertisements for the free trial will go away eventually? I don't wanna put my payment info in the game so I wanna just skip the trial but all the little notifications for it everywhere are bothering me.
I am glad I am not the only one driven nuts by red exclamation points on things in game (also i cant stand red dots on my phone). I think I will try the trial thing, but I am afraid having the helper will annoy me.

Yes! My mom will have red dots with the number 96 or something and I just can’t deal with it. On my phone, they get cleared immediately. I think *they* are the weird ones! ;)
No, no, the helper is annoying me already. She gathers 112 wood, 85 steel, etc. and I have to go in and sell all that junk just to be able to clear out my mailbox. I sent Nin feedback, but I doubt they?ll care. I guess some want that stuff in their mailbox so they can replenish as they craft, but I rarely craft and my OCD won?t let me live with a red exclamation and a full mailbox.

Yea, some hours later, I finally turned the Walk Together option OFF. It was cute for literally a sweet second, and I liked the ego boost whenever I would catch something and I would have someone cheering me on, but Omigoodness every time I want to pick up a gyroid it?s always blocking my way and we get into this weird trance where we?d start dancing. I must have popped a vein or two.
Even if you (understandably) hate this idea I recommend doing the free trial to snatch those 60 free leaf tickets

I know but I'm anxious that they're gonna take my money out when I've got bills to pay.

Also, where has the time count down for the next rotation on the map disappeared too? Or have they completely demolished it?