"Aww, but I wanna go outside!" I moaned, this time like a five year old when she was told that the Disneyland trip was cancelled.
(Hikari,Me,and TheCreeperzHugz started our journey ans we're going to route 1)
"Upp upp upp!now wait a second you four,you four need to know how to catch pokemon,so i will be telling you how."
"aww..ok" i whined
Very sarcastically I said "Aw...look at the the wittle kid who thinks he can do everything...NO."
"Geez... why are you starting your journey so late anyways? Most people start when they're 10."
(I think B/W would be better. Then perhaps we can have a sequel to this in BW2?)
(I think B/W would be better. Then perhaps we can have a sequel to this in BW2?)