For those of you in North America, a new event is running online this October. This event is a Super Size Pumpkaboo holding a Rocky Helmet and the moves Trick-or-Treat and Scary Face. As this Pumpkaboo is Super Size, it is very useful in the upcoming Trick-or-Treat Battle Competition where you are required to use Super Size Gourgeist. This event is running from today until October 31st so be sure to download it while you can.
Edit @ 16:42: It's also listed to run in Europe from today until October 31st, but, like America, distribution has yet to begin
Edit @ 17:43: It is now live in North America
Edit @ 17:48: It is also now running in Europe.
Edit @ 18:11: This Pumpkaboo can have its Hidden Ability of Insomnia. Prior to now, Super Size Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist could not have it so this makes it even more special.