Pokémon Pokemon General

I'm nearing the end of collecting flags, but certain types of people are seriously not helping. They think they're being clever, blocking off their PC and flag with items and their trainer, thinking that'll force you to make them join your team. If I have to go back to my base to make space for you, I'm not gonna do it. I'm deleting your dumb ass.

Seriously, **** the people that do this. Waste of a flag.

I'm sick of these losers too.
'Dem tags tho. ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)

Also, adding to that Secret Base conversation, I never have bothered with flag collecting. This is probably one of the reasons why. :p
'Dem tags tho. ( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)

Also, adding to that Secret Base conversation, I never have bothered with flag collecting. This is probably one of the reasons why. :p

( ͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)
Yeah, never bothered with Secret Bases much, Maybe I'll get into it sometime, just ughhh... those idiots.
So uh, I have a problem here, hoping to find someone who knows how to fix this if possible.

Last night I tried to do a Multi-battle with some users and for some reason it wouldn't let me progress to the battle since it said I was using "Special" Pokemon, even though the rule was "Permitted" for them.

My team consisted of:
Cosplay Pikachu (Hacked to be Shiny and turned Male) but this shouldn't effect the battle since it's not a Battle Spot battle.
Smash Bro's Greninja (Japanese Event Greninja turned to English and such, not shiny)
Shiny Event Jirachi (Self explainable, it's a Gen 6 event so it shouldn't be a problem)
Shiny Latios (Legit, self caught and edited IV/EV's & Nature)
Poliwrath (Not shiny, edited IV/EV's & Nature)
Shiny Gallade (Self caught in the wild, hacked and edited him to be shiny and fixed IV/EV's and changed nature)

Pikachu was holding a Light Ball
Greninja was holding a Life Orb
Jirachi was holding Leftovers
Latios was holding a Soul Dew
Poliwrath was holding an Assault Vest
and Gallade was holding a Galladite

I swapped a few mon's around as to see if say Pikachu or Jirachi were breaking the rules (even though they were permitted to enter) and I had no luck.

Has anyone gone through this before or know what I'm doing wrong?
Might be the Soul Dew? I seem recall seeing something about it being banned or something. Or it doesn't like the fact the values and stuff changed for Greninja/Gallade/Polwrath.
I would only assume the Soul Dew would be banned in Battle Spot, same for the other hacked pokemon.
I did swap Latios' item to a Latiosite and it still gave me the same thing error.

I'll reset all my Pokemon's EV's and re apply them, hopefully this might do something for this.

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I think it is the EV's, they actually exceed 510.

I'll reset them all and re-apply.
As I said in my above post, I tried it again without the Soul Dew and it still failed, it's most likely the EV's since they do exceed 510 (somehow)
Either it's that, or the Galladite. If you're playing with an X/Y player at least.

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As I said in my above post, I tried it again without the Soul Dew and it still failed, it's most likely the EV's since they do exceed 510 (somehow)
Oh. That's what you get then. Hacker. :p

Naaaw, I knew I'd get bothered with something with my hacks.
I tried it without Pika in my team last night and it still messed up, it's most likely the EV's, anyone wanna help me test it when I'm done fixing their EV's?
I'll add you after I finish em, taking it slow because my back is killing me.
Yeah, I went for a nap, I was absolutely tired and just need a small nap to help me out a little.

Anyone willing to go to test this?
I'll test it. I don't want to actually battle though. XD

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"You cannot battle against the other party's Pok?mon."