Pokémon Pokemon Legends Z-A General Discussion

I can feel a need to play a new Pokemon phase coming on. I really want some new news 😭
I really loved Pokémon Legends: Arceus. It felt really refreshing compared to other recent Pokémon games, so I'm looking forward to Pokémon Legends: Z-A. Hopefully it will be just as good, if not better, than Arceus was!

Me waiting for updates on my favorite pokémon region
Its going to happen soon, everyone...

For those that didn't know. A massive leak happen in GF. Concept art & story, beta designs, scrapped designs...you name it.

Info is going to leak at any moment for Z-A

If you don't want to be spoiled. You've been warned. I'm not going to spoil anything Z-A related but I won't stop anyone who wants to spoil things on this thread. Be sure to use spoiler tags if that is the case.

Let's hope this game is good. Gen 10 sounds interesting though. I hope it won't be like Alola.
mega zeraora and zygarde is very exciting, I’m very gassed to see what the starters are cause not only will they have regional variants but also likely mega versions
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Its going to happen soon, everyone...

For those that didn't know. A massive leak happen in GF. Concept art & story, beta designs, scrapped designs...you name it.

Info is going to leak at any moment for Z-A
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If you don't want to be spoiled. You've been warned. I'm not going to spoil anything Z-A related but I won't stop anyone who wants to spoil things on this thread. Be sure to use spoiler tags if that is the case.

Let's hope this game is good. Gen 10 sounds interesting though. I hope it won't be like Alola.
Archipelagos makes me think Indonesia which could visually be beautiful if they actually make the graphics look good
Archipelagos makes me think Indonesia which could visually be beautiful if they actually make the graphics look good
It does have potential if they can do it right. Apparently the codename for Gen 10 is Gaia so there is a possibility that it might be centered in Greece or Italy. Greek myth mons would be worth it imo

If Mega Zeraora doesn't become Electric/Fighting I will be sad. I honestly never understood why they decided to make Zeraora pure Electric and not Electric/Fighting. Zeraora's sig move is called Plasma Fists...


What regionals of these are you expecting?

I think Grass/Fairy Meganium would make sense but you never know...
For Emboar and Feraligatr, no idea but I'll think about it later

But for real tho, even after seeing a lot of mixed reviews, I personally am excited for Pokemon ZA! The comeback of megas was a huge selling point for me, esp since I've gotten more into shiny hunting in the recent years and I really want to have a full collection of shiny megas :) I've also always dreamed of having a shiny mega Mawile, my most favorite mega, but never got around to it before so I prayyy mega Mawile will be in game as well (didnt see them in trailer unfortunately). mega Audino as well, i miss them so so much! 😭 I did see Furfrou though which made me hella happy, poor dog hasn't been seen since USUM and I always loved their hairstyle gimmick and how the shinies were a luxurious black. Excited!!

The downsides for me were the visuals, the battle looked a little empty but I'm hoping there'll be improvements down the line :) Anyway honestly I'd still weight the pros more than the cons, so I'm definitely getting this game on release ^^ Also relieved to know this game is for the Nintendo Switch! I was extremely worried about the game being only for NS2, and I wasn't gonna buy NS2 just for this game, but I'm glad that isn't going to be the case. :)
Trailer content!

New / Returning Characters

Your friend/rival Urbain and Taunie. Depending on your player character's appearance you will get one but not the other. Choose male -> Taunie. Choose female -> Urbain.


Bad guys? Lets wait and see...

Jett, CEO of Quasartico and has Lusamine vibes

And her secretary Vinnie.

AZ is no longer homeless and runs a hotel. Set in the future than the past. Has his Floette with him.


New Battling Mechanics

ZA battles are not turned based but are now real time. Dramatic shift from previous installments.
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All pipe dreams aside, I'm ecstatic that my favorite Unova starter's getting some love. Tepig is overhated because of the whole Fire/Fighting thing, and I can't wait to see what the types'll be! Here are my predictions:
Tepig: Fire/Dark for Emboar
Totodile: Water/Dragon for Feraligatr
Chikorita: Grass/Fairy or (as suggested by my friend) Grass/Dragon
Confirmed Returning Megas (via official site)

Charizard X
Charizard Y
Though I will not be getting the game, I am most thrilled that the performance is better.
I'd assume what is shown would be on switch. If it is compatible with switch 2 then it should run even better than shown. Hopefully.
(okay I just googled 'new legends za megas' to see if any new ones were leaked/rumored, and I saw a video that covers a pre-order bonus rumor. if it's true, we MIGHT be getting a Shiny Dratini pre-order bonus)
(okay ngl this might be the first game where I actually choose the male Protag. Every other game i've played, I've gone with the female protag despite being male. I guess their designs appealed to me more.)
New Battling Mechanics

ZA battles are not turned based but are now real time. Dramatic shift from previous installments.
More info regarding real time battles

Source: Serebii.net:

"In Pokémon Legends Z-A, the battles are different to the traditional battles. Here, the Pokémon will move around the field and can avoid attacks. Each attack will have a different range requiring your Pokémon to get up close or keep distance, and Pokémon can dodge moves

When a move is used, there is a cooldown on when it can be used again.

You also have the ability to switch your Pokémon in at will allowing for you to change up how you fare in the battle."

i'll be brutally honest, after a year or so of basically nothing, this didn't impress me. i'm not necessarily disappointed, but my overall opinion is sort of just. meh. i'll spoiler my general thoughts because i know a lot of people here don't like negativity even if it is just my genuine reaction/opinion.

my biggest annoyance is definitely what i'm aware some would call a non-issue: the seemingly gender-locked rival. i'm pretty sure we did away with this in the main generation games? and a little while back, too. i know a similar thing happened in arceus, though i didn't realize that until after i had played the game lmao, but i think that was a little less annoying because the "rival" was just the unchosen gender design as far as i'm aware, and you would still technically see both designs in your player character and rival, whereas it seems like this is an entirely unique design and you won't see the other one at all. as a girl who likes playing as a girl and prefers the female rival design by a lot, this was kind of lame to me. i wish there was an option for it.

i also just didn't think it looked all that good? maybe more detailed than scarvio, assuming this is actual gameplay footage, but it definitely visually looks and feels more like a sequel to that game or the next gen. rather than a follow-up in the legends series, and that doesn't fill me with confidence re: how well it will run given scarvio's well-documented bad performance. the only thing that felt carried over was the catching mechanics, which i do at least like because doing away with them in scarvio always annoyed me lmao. stylistically, it just feels very different to legends: arceus to me.

i'm generally just neutral on everything else. i don't hate but also don't care for the starter options, and i've never really understood the hype for mega evolutions, so that's just there for me personally. i'm hoping that there's immediate character customization similarly to scarvio because the default player designs don't really do it for me, though i'm hoping the clothing customization is NOTHING like that game omg. bare minimum it better have as many options as arceus, but considering that this is set in the future in a city (and not arguably limited by the setting re: clothing like arceus), we really need to go back to the sun/moon and sword/shield days of clothing options.

out the gate, i'm not keen on the dodging during battle thing or the more dynamic battles in general, because i like the more simplistic battling, and it seems like a lot to focus on, but i'd also like to see more gameplay of it before rushing to judgement, because it might not be as complicated/finnicky as it looks.

i'm happy for anyone already excited for it !! i will probably still give it a chance myself, but based on scarvio's performance, i might wait and read reviews on that element specifically, because the price would be quite steep for a game that runs as badly as that one did, but i do think i need to see/find out more about the game as a whole.
I watched the trailer just now and am seeing some people say it's really great and some are disappointed with it. Currently I'm kind of mixed I guess??? The trailer didn't really amaze me, but a lot of the things shown were interesting. I'm super hyped for the return of mega evolutions. I also really hope Tepig's final form in this game isn't Fire/Fighting, because I plan on choosing Tepig and also obtaining a Mega Lucario for myself.

I think the thing I'm most interested in though is the new battle mechanics, I'm REALLY curious to see how that plays out in-game. I'll definitely get the game and play it though, especially since it'll be available on the original Switch. If they restricted it to the Switch 2 that'd be a different story for me, lol.