Pokémon Pokemon Legends Z-A General Discussion

I’m so glad Tepig is finally getting more love. I’ve always loved using it in Unova and I agree that it was unfairly hated just because it eventually evolved into another Fire/Fighting Pokémon. It is so useful in BW with Gym battles.
I was not expecting two Johto starters haha. I especially look forward to seeing Kalosian meganium.

The outfits make sense for the game setting but they’re not very “me” so I hope we get to change them.


This guy Vinnie I have a couple thoughts on. 1: I love his buneary hair tie. Two: his ancestor could be Lysandre or even Xerosic possibly. Definitely leaning more towards Lys.
Well there goes any hype I had for this game.
Gotta say I'm not liking what I see here, that trailer was very anticlimactic.
-have to weaken strong Pokemon in battles to catch them (so less seamless than Arceus)
- tiny little "wild areas" (city block with little grass patches) you have to transition into instead of open world
-didnt show any new Pokemon or mega evolutions
-2 genders, gender locked rivals, didn't show any character customization
-didnt show kalos starters at all
-no gym battles
-return to cartoony graphics/less realistic textures

Hopefully they release more information because at this point I'm very unimpressed.
Just finsihed watching the pokemon day video~

I am definitely hyped for the little things i saw in video.
I love the chance of actually climbing on roofs and stuff, that's my dream.
The dogde!! THE DODGE
Your player can roll around like in Arcues which is what I was missing when playing newer games.
Totodile is back for a starter 👀

Do you think we will get mega evolutions for the starters?
Hype for hoping for grass/fairy chikorita?

It will be interesting to see what else will be mentioned later on. I still need to reply X and Y so im not sure on the lore, but hopeing they do explain things to us
Remeber that ghost girl in one of the buildings, saying you're not the one? In X and Y? Its a small detail but would love if that comes back.
Just finsihed watching the pokemon day video~

I am definitely hyped for the little things i saw in video.
I love the chance of actually climbing on roofs and stuff, that's my dream.
The dogde!! THE DODGE
Your player can roll around like in Arcues which is what I was missing when playing newer games.
Totodile is back for a starter 👀

Do you think we will get mega evolutions for the starters?
Hype for hoping for grass/fairy chikorita?

It will be interesting to see what else will be mentioned later on. I still need to reply X and Y so im not sure on the lore, but hopeing they do explain things to us
Remeber that ghost girl in one of the buildings, saying you're not the one? In X and Y? Its a small detail but would love if that comes back.
If they do have the ghost girl, it WOULD make sense for it to be a side quest, since the male Protag KINDA looks like Calem, and the female looks NOTHING like Serena, so the line could make sense.
After watching the Pokémon Presents, I'm looking forward to Z-A!

I like the character designs! I do hope they offer a lot of customisation and clothing options, since those really make a difference for me in Pokémon games. I don't like being locked into using a preset appearance. I wasn't happy with how clothing was handled in S/V, but there were plenty of options in Arceus, so it feels promising! I think the characters look cute, though!

The new battling style is going to be interesting to try out. At first I was intimidated by the idea of having AoEs and having to dodge, but I'm looking forward to trying it, honestly!

For some various notes, the gender-locked rival seems trivial (and unnecessary?), and I'm looking forward to mega evolution!
the pokémon battles look great and seem super engaging, definitely most hyped about that. turn-based battles are fun but i'm more interested in the new system! super here for it

i'm hopeful that there's some variation in the wild zones (eg different area themes for different pokémon types) or something, but i wouldn't mind if that weren't the case

character designs seem cool, also hoping for customisation like in arceus. pronoun options would be awesome too ofc but i'm doubtful on that. overall, z-a seems great and i'm feeling hyped for its release later this year
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I’m pretty sure a quasar is an extremely luminous object at the middle of a supermassive black hole. I’d bet money that the evil team are funding the Lumios city renovation, with the hopes of using Lumios tower as an energy source for something that will go wrong. 😑

It looks ok for now I guess, I don’t really care for the trailers that focus on showing new characters, and I really don’t like Pokémon’s trend of showing the obvious bad guys straight away. I also miss the more stylized graphics from Legends Arceus. It looks fun overall but. I think I’ll wait for more info before deciding to buy.
If they do have the ghost girl, it WOULD make sense for it to be a side quest, since the male Protag KINDA looks like Calem, and the female looks NOTHING like Serena, so the line could make sense.
Oh, I hope so. It would be cute if there were side quests. It would bring me back to Pokemon ranger times. Oh and Arcues has side quests too.
Just watched the trailer and I feel I guess kind of disappointed? I was pretty excited for this, and the whole more open battling, seeing AZ and Floette again, and some of the character designs are cool, but Idk, I think maybe the graphics are bothering me?
I know they’re technically better than Legends Arceus, but I prefer LA in some ways, I think these environments just feel really bland or generic I guess? The whole game kind of gives me mobile game vibes I guess?
If it is true, then I’ll also miss being able to run around and catch Pokémon without battling, and having those really large areas to explore and catch Pokémon in 😭 I really liked that about LA

In other good things tho, very excited about mega evolutions coming back!! I hope they keep them in more games in the future. Mega’s are so cool and I’m looking forward to seeing new ones!!
Also happy to see some of the less popular starters getting some love!
I think Grass/Fairy Meganium would make sense but you never know...
For Emboar and Feraligatr, no idea but I'll think about it later
I gave it some thought and I think there might be two possibilities for the starter lines in this game. Like Legends Arceus, the starters are supposed to feel special so evolving them might give us something special. (Hopefully not Megas...) Here are two possibilities I came up with and predictions for their typings.

1) Regional Forms:
Like with Legends Arceus, we get new regional forms of final evos.

"Kalosian" Meganium: Grass/Fairy
This is largely to it knowing Disarming Voice now for some reason. Maybe based on a fairy garden?

"Kalosian" Emboar: Fire/Steel
Fits nicely with the type triangle like the original Kalos trio. Maybe it can have a "knight" theme to it?

"Kalosian" Feraligatr: Water/Fighting
Completes the new type triangle. Continues tradition of a Fighting type or fighting themed starter mon. Maybe based on a sewer croc?

2) Regional Evolutions:
Introduced in Gen 9 were regional evolutions. For example:
Mime Jr -> Galarian Mr. Mime -> Mr. Rime

Perhaps this game gives us the first regional evolutions to starters?

Chikorita alt final: Grass/Fairy

Tepig alt final: Fire/Poison or Fire/Steel

Totodile alt final: Water/Fighting or Water/Dragon

I felt kinda harsh judging the graphics of this game so I looked back at PLA's earlier trailers and, well, the teaser they showed also was pretty lackluster. This was about 11 months before PLA actually released and I'm more than happy with how PLA turned out, so I'm hoping PLZ-A's recent trailer is also from early development footages and that the actual gameplay and visuals will be better than the trailer. :) Granted we have maybe 9 months between now and PLZ-A release (unless they push it back, which is totally fine for me) so I hope they're able to polish the game til then!

I think I'm going to reserve more in-depth criticisms of this game until we're closer to the release date and see more game footage. The setting is very interesting to me personally, while I initially felt claustrophobic with the wild areas having buildings instead of being completely open, I'm hoping the areas are large enough anyway and we can see more natural zones over building-filled zones! ^^

also if someone sees mega Mawile or Audino please contact me. my children are missing from the trailer. release them
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