Pokémon Pokemon Legends Z-A General Discussion

I'm sorry, I thought this was Kalos, not Johto. Right out the gate, I have to say that I'm quite disappointed that they went with two starters from the same generation when there are 9 generations of starters to choose from.

I'm a bit concerned about the changes to the battle system, particularly the whole thing about moves having different ranges; I'm open to them trying new things, but I'll have to see how it all feels when the game releases. Hopefully they're changes made for the better, but they can potentially, just as easily, make things more restrictive. The ability to have your Pokémon move out of the way is cool though, I like that.

Other than that, looks fine so far. As others have said, I definitely hope that the character customization is back and I have to imagine it is, considering Kalos is home to the Boutiques.

I gave it some thought and I think there might be two possibilities for the starter lines in this game. Like Legends Arceus, the starters are supposed to feel special so evolving them might give us something special. (Hopefully not Megas...) Here are two possibilities I came up with and predictions for their typings.

1) Regional Forms:
Like with Legends Arceus, we get new regional forms of final evos.

"Kalosian" Meganium: Grass/Fairy
This is largely to it knowing Disarming Voice now for some reason. Maybe based on a fairy garden?

"Kalosian" Emboar: Fire/Steel
Fits nicely with the type triangle like the original Kalos trio. Maybe it can have a "knight" theme to it?

"Kalosian" Feraligatr: Water/Fighting
Completes the new type triangle. Continues tradition of a Fighting type or fighting themed starter mon. Maybe based on a sewer croc?

2) Regional Evolutions:
Introduced in Gen 9 were regional evolutions. For example:
Mime Jr -> Galarian Mr. Mime -> Mr. Rime

Perhaps this game gives us the first regional evolutions to starters?

Chikorita alt final: Grass/Fairy

Tepig alt final: Fire/Poison or Fire/Steel

Totodile alt final: Water/Fighting or Water/Dragon

After you mentioned Kalosian Emboar and a potential Fire/Steel typing with a knight theme, my mind made some connections and I kind of want that now. Like, the middle evolution is named Pignite...so it would be cool to make it an actual pig knight. Then, from there, throw "or" on the end of Emboar and you get Emboaror, like emperor, so they can give it a regal appearance. It would be really neat and definitely something I'd like to see, haha.

Oh no, lol. I love Fire/Ghost typing and love both Hisuian Typhlosion and Skeledirge, but I'd rather switch it up.
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things i liked:
- kalos city looks nice? and definitely seems like an improvement on scarlet/violet

things i didn't like:
- kalos city cause like why are we trapped in this city like attack on titan? are there titans out there? why can't we leave? 💀 honestly this reeks of cost cutting measure as usual from gamefreak. like where is all the money going? at least this is from my understanding that we don't have areas outside of the city, but correct me if i'm wrong.
- the new battle system. i was not a huge fan of arceus so i'm not quite into this whole dynamic battle or whatever. i think i much prefer the normal turn based battles, but i am open to trying it so maybe this is a neutral for now.
- the new protags cause what are those outfits and just overall look? once again, it is a step up from the scarlet/violet protags but gosh the standards that scarlet/violet set are so low that anything is better. i genuinely hope there are a bunch of customization.
- gender locked rivals cause like... why? it's 2025. 💀 what is the reasoning here? are we supposed to think of our rivals romantically so only the straight option is available? i do not get it.
- still no voice acting cause once again, it's 2025. why can't we have a fully voiced pokemon game?

overall while it looks like there are improvements from scarlet/violet (again the bar is in hell), it's still very much just a pokemon game. we know what to expect and it's nothing new. i do not think we will ever get innovation from gamefreak and it's sad.
I really like the game overall, no complains here. Still, i'm waiting to see the starters final evos and megas (assuming they do receive a regional final evo and a mega) to make my choice.
Having just watched the trailer from my perspective, the graphics are a considerable disappointment. Where's the progress in the leap to Switch 2? The visuals look far too similar to recent games and there's a bizarre lift on the outside of a building, as opposed to inside like before in department stores where you could go to the roof. Seems incredibly lazy and don't think I'll be buying it.

Also- A kids game showing the player leaping off the roof. Great choice.
Does anyone find it odd that none of the Kalos starters have been revealed yet in the trailers? Even in the Legends Arceus trailers we got to see Sinnoh starters and evos. The same can also be said of Xerneas and Yveltal. It sure is a mystery 🤔

Imo this game looks a lot better than SV. Real time battling changes up the formula so I am very happy about that.
Confirmed Returning Megas (via official site)

Charizard X
Charizard Y
Its also implied that we'll get the following Megas since those mons or pre-evos are seen in the trailers:

Hopefully they're changes made for the better, but they can potentially, just as easily, make things more restrictive.
I can see some moves being changed altogether, especially since moves have cooldown now. Cooldown timers may replace PP because I haven't seen PP bars yet. I am looking forward to real time battling the most now instead of new Megas. It could really be for the better.
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I've viewed a few videos and responses about the new game, not as much, actually have one I need to watch.
I can understand feeling unsure or disapointed, I also understand that you don't show everything in one video. And I am sure there should be more trailers or so out later on, but we are also just seeing the start of the game from what it looks like.

I noticed someone saying in a comment that it is undergoing urban deve,opment, so what we have seen so far is probably not the final look, like we can help adjust the urban look and development to a city that is growing in more ways than one.

I am also really interested in the end of the trailer, with rotom showing up, there seemed to be like a glitch? Like a sussy glitch.
Honestly I'm feeling a bit conflicted. While I do love that they chose Tepig for the available starters (it sure was a surprise, but it made me really happy because I just recently finished a playthrough of Pokémon White with Tepig as my starter, it's my 2nd favorite Unova starter) the very first thing I said to myself was, "Why two Johto starters?"

Last time I checked, this is Kalos. I thought for sure they would feature Froakie because it was the fan favorite out of the three, and we had Cyndaquil as a starter in Hisui, but at least in PLA we had Oshawott from Gen 5 and Rowlet from Gen 7, but why two Gen 2 starters? I have nothing against Chikorita or Totodile, they're both really great in their own ways, but it would have been neat to have more variety. Literally any combination like Tepig/Treecko/Totodile, Chikorita/Froakie/Tepig, know what I mean? I would have been okay with anything, just as long as it excluded Sobble, Scorbunny and Sprigatito, since their finals stages completely suck no matter what, in terms of design, imo of course.

But I'm kind of not okay with having two starters from the same Gen, especially because we already had a Gen 2 starter in the last game. Might as well be "Legends Celebi" at this rate. Oh well, I'm still pretty interested in seeing what their Megas/Kalos regional forms will be, assuming they get any.
Honestly I'm feeling a bit conflicted. While I do love that they chose Tepig for the available starters (it sure was a surprise, but it made me really happy because I just recently finished a playthrough of Pokémon White with Tepig as my starter, it's my 2nd favorite Unova starter) the very first thing I said to myself was, "Why two Johto starters?"

Last time I checked, this is Kalos. I thought for sure they would feature Froakie because it was the fan favorite out of the three, and we had Cyndaquil as a starter in Hisui, but at least in PLA we had Oshawott from Gen 5 and Rowlet from Gen 7, but why two Gen 2 starters? I have nothing against Chikorita or Totodile, they're both really great in their own ways, but it would have been neat to have more variety. Literally any combination like Tepig/Treecko/Totodile, Chikorita/Froakie/Tepig, know what I mean? I would have been okay with anything, just as long as it excluded Sobble, Scorbunny and Sprigatito, since their finals stages completely suck no matter what, in terms of design, imo of course.

But I'm kind of not okay with having two starters from the same Gen, especially because we already had a Gen 2 starter in the last game. Might as well be "Legends Celebi" at this rate. Oh well, I'm still pretty interested in seeing what their Megas/Kalos regional forms will be, assuming they get any.

Completely agree to be honest, I'm not sure why they felt the need to include two from the same region, lol. It'd be one thing if one of them was a double-type starter like Bulbasaur, but that's not even the case, so....


Also, just came here to say regarding the final form typing discussion. I'm going to make a probably wildly inaccurate, but funny guess, and say Tepig's final form in this game will be Fire/Flying type. That way it won't be weak to Ground type moves, and we can now finally say that pigs can fly. 😂
Apparently your rival in the game has a Mega Band. This can be seen in the official art for Taunie but not for Urbain. Its assumed that he has one too.

I still believe that our rivals in this game will Mega evolve a non-starter mon like Serena and Calem did in X/Y with Absol. While Mega Meganium, Emboar, and Feraligatr seem interesting it will create unfairness for future main titles. For example, with the Gen 2 starters, Typhlosion will always have its regional form but Megas for Meganium and Feraligatr will only be confined in this game and in Champions so thats why I would rather want Meganium and Feraligatr have regional forms rather than Megas.
To add to the possibility of Chikorita becoming a fairy type - just realised this.

But if Chikorita's fairy move was baby doll eyes, I wouldn't have jumped on the side that it could become grass/fairy; due to the fact that many non-fairy types can learn that move, it's a move you don't interact with much as it does no damage.
But disarming voice? Oh yeah, if you look up who can learn that, it is restrictly just fairy types. You can breed non fairy pokemon to have it, but since this is our low level starter, I am way more confident now.

Also a little nickpick about our choices of being female/male and who are player will interact with, Taunie or Urbain.
I get that they want the diversity of you choosing one gender, and the rival with be the oppisite gender, but I actually really like the male player and Urbain a lot more this time around (def if we can't change our clothes or hairstyle), and its annoying I cant have the male character and Urbain. :/ I mean, I do like Taunie too, but I wish we could choose?