Pokémon Pokemon Memories

When I caught all Pok?mon in Black 2.. yes I got a complete 'dex lol with catching. Took me quite the efforts and trading back and forth but yasss
I have a few memories that I always remember.
When I first started playing Pok?mon Blue back in 1999, I knew very little about Pok?mon beforehand. After playing it for about an hour I remember thinking 'wow, what a great game.' I thought my starter Squirtle was the best thing ever.

When I was playing Pok?mon Silver, I remember the first time I ran into Raikou in the grass and how excited I was because I had never seen a roaming legendary before.

And while I was playing my bf's copy of Pok?mon Ruby I ran into a Slugma but it was a greyish colour. Neither of us had seen a shiny Pok?mon before so that was new to both of us. We still have the slugma, although I did eventually evolve it. So many happy memories :)
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Oh man there are so many but one i can think of off the top of my head is when my friends and i had a sleepover party and played pokemon all night, in preparation for seeing Pokemon 3 in theatres the next day. Very good times :)
I have so many good Pok?mon memories!

My first Pok?mon game was Pok?mon Emerald! I would spend countless hours on the game even when there was nothing to do! My favourite memory from that was summoning Rayquaza to Sootopolis!

My next favourite memory was finding out that Wallace was the champion! I remembered when I first beat Drake thinking that I beat the Pok?mon League only to discover there was more to it! Then to discover Wallace was the Champion was shocking!

Nostalgia is such a sucker for me cause when I opened up Alpha Sapphire for the first time, the opening brought tears to my eyes... then to see Littleroot Town in 3D was amazing! Then to hear the re-vamped rival music! OMG I was like, THIS IS MY JAM!

Then seeing Kyogue Primal Revert was nostalgic too! The theme definitely suits the battle!

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