Pokémon Pokémon snap

Ohh okay! I thought there might be something like a free mode, where you can walk around and just take pictures like that.
I've never played the original, so I had no idea that it was always like that. Thanks for clarifying!
I was actually pretty apprehensive about the game not being open world. My two big concerns were that it would be targeted to smaller children (like Let's Go) and that it wasn't open world.

I haven't regretted it at all. I think you could do an open world, but that would make it a different game. Each time you take the same trail, you can see Pokemon doing different things, in different positions, you can do a few different things to try and interact with them or get their attention, and overall, I found I wasn't happy to do the same trail only one or two times. That's been my experience anyway. 😊

Edit: You also get a little page where you can display your favourite snaps online, and people can view them. Surprisingly I've been enjoying editing the snaps and choosing my favourites for my space. 😁
Getting pics of some of the Illumina Pokémon are challenging, but it is satisfying when you finally get that shot.

I've finished the main game and am now replaying courses to fill out my Pokedex and try to improve some pictures.
I just started and only completed the first course. I plan on taking my time with this. My favorite photos of the first course.

Like any game, 'New' Snap is one of those things where you will get out what you put in.

If you are the type of person who likes photography, is a perfectionist, a completionist, etc...then, I truly think the price is not too high. You need 4 different star ratings for each Pokemon...1, 2, 3, and 4 star rated photos. In addition to that, those stars can be bronze, silver, gold, or diamond. Right there...you're talking about quite a bit of replay factor...(if you are the type of person who tries to complete things in this way) (I am). On top of that, you can share and rate the photos you have taken with an online community. Granted, it's rather bare-bones. But, it is pretty funny to experiment with the stickers and see what other people can make with the limited options.

I feel like I have almost completed the main questline in the game. I think there are meant to be 200 Pokemon, and I feel like I've seen most of those. But, I don't feel like I'll be finished playing any time soon. I'm still having fun trying to get better shots of each Pokemon...and I know I won't be happy until everything is completed with diamond ratings.

Lately, every time I play, the reason I stop is because my battery gets low...not because I actually want to stop playing.

There are plenty of games that I can't say that about.
Some of the legendaries are a real chore to acquire. I won't say which ones, because I don't want to spoil them for people who might not know which are in the game. But...I guess I can the say the regions. So...yeah, the Shiver Snowfields one, and the Seafloor one are a pain.