i love my zebras
Which is the pre evolution of the legendary
You get 1 lunala but also 1 cosmog
What's more insane, is that you can find a Salamence at Lv. 10 if you encounter a Bagon.Wild Espeon lol
This gen is insane with the new SOS mechanic.
What's more insane, is that you can find a Salamence at Lv. 10 if you encounter a Bagon.
Somebody traded me an english ditto for my english ditto why
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I don't understand
I'm quite glad this generation's IV is gonna be easy. But how to get a mon to 100?Ahhh, I don't even care about that. I just want to increase my chances of a shiny.
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I tried breeding a competitive team once. IVs an all that. I hate it. I'm just never gonna be a competitive trainer. Oh well.
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Does anyone know the minimum steps to hatch an egg? Trying to hatch the daycare egg so I can have a Vaporeon and I can finally MOVE ON.
Flame Body is easy to find. Just catch a Flethinder in route 8. You're good to go.Eevee eggs in particular take 8,960 steps to hatch. Get Flame Body and run around with Tauros to hatch it super fast.
:0 so has anyone caught a shiny yet?
:0 so has anyone caught a shiny yet?