To get Alola Sandshrew i should use an stone or something? 
Slowbro, Wishiwashi, Toxapex, Milotic, Golisopod, and Lapras are some of my fav water Pokemon that are in the Alola Dex. Not sure how good they are competitively, but the main game of Pokemon usually isn't too hard (granted it's harder in S&M but I haven't found it to be too hard), so any of them should be able to push you through the game SL.
Tapu Fini looks cute but I think they're a late game (possibly post game) Pokemon so they're probably out of the question lol.
I think I'll go with Vaporeon, although I would prefer a dual type just because. Still, I always love carrying around an Eeveelution.
I actually tried Wishiwashi but its ability wasn't working so it ended up getting KO'd by one tackle (from a Pokemon 6 levels lower :/). Not sure why it didn't work but I don't really like carrying around a Pokemon that needs an ability to survive anyways.
Schooling starts at level 20
Anyways, im at post game. AMA
route 9 or mele mele sea. search for a corsola and get it to low health
I know. I want to trade for one since I spent the last two days trying to find a Corsola with no luck.
Anyone had luck with wonder trade yet? It's all been low level Melemele island things so far.