Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Guys, is it possible to catch Nihilego before the elite four match?
nope its not
It's post game

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I used a Master Ball on Solgaleo. I know they're extremely rare, but it's 100% effective.
Dud you could have save your master ball
The catch rate wasn't to low it was pretty high up because it wanted to join
nope its not
It's post game

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Dud you could have save your master ball
The catch rate wasn't to low it was pretty high up because it wanted to join

At least I didn't use it on a Caterpie or some low-level Pokemon. What Pokemon should I have saved it for? I don't see Mew or Mewtwo - yet.
I used a Master Ball on Solgaleo. I know they're extremely rare, but it's 100% effective.

Same, I always use my Master Ball on the cover legendaries. Sometimes I regret it but there's only like one legendary in the game besides tapus and UBs so...

What are some good pokemon that can learn steel or poison type moves? I'm looking for some fairy counters and that would be useful.

I don't generally use poison but Gengar is really good. Sludge Bomb was too OP in HGSS. For steel I would recommend Metagross or Lucario. Maybe even an Empoleon if you feel like waiting for Bank. I know a lot of psychic types can learn Sludge Bomb and Lucario can learn Poison Jab.
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Same, I always use my Master Ball on the cover legendaries. Sometimes I regret it but there's only like one legendary in the game besides tapus and UBs so...

I don't generally use poison but Gengar is really good. Sludge Bomb was too OP in HGSS. For steel I would recommend Metagross or Lucario. Maybe even an Empoleon if you feel like waiting for Bank. I know a lot of psychic types can learn Sludge Bomb and Lucario can learn Poison Jab.

Thanks for the thoughts. I am hoping to incorporate poison or steel into a general attacker (i.e. not a pokemon that is steel or poison itself). Hmm skarmory might work also although it lacks other coverage.

Damn though, mimikyu is going to wreck half my team xD
If people still want to know the catch rate of Solgaleo and Lunala, it is 45. Assuming Sun and Moons capturing mechanics are largely the same (we have no reason to believe otherwise), we can safely use a calculator made for ORAS to figure out our chances of catching a Pok?mon.

Using Yveltal, who also has a base catch rate of 45:
11% chance to catch inside standard Pok?Ball at full health
27% chance to catch at 1HP in standard Pok?Ball.
36% chance to catch at 1HP and Paralyzed in standard Pok?Ball
54% chance to catch at 1HP and Asleep in standard Pok?Ball

As for the Tapus, who have a base catch rate of 3...

Using Dialga, who also has a base catch rate of 3 (in ORAS only):
1.5% chance to capture inside standard Pok?Ball at full health
3.5% chance to capture at 1HP in standard Pok?Ball
4.8% chance to capture at 1HP and Paralyzed in standard Pok?Ball
7% chance to capture at 1HP and Asleep in standard Pok?Ball
Necrozma also has a base catch rate of 3, so the above applies to him as well

If you are fishing for rare Pok?mon, what I would do is save in front of the bubbling fishing spots (which have a better encounter table for rare Pok?mon) then reset the game if you don't fish up the Pok?mon you want. This way you don't have to leave and re-enter the route each time you want to get the bubbles to come back.
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If you are fishing for rare Pok?mon, what I would do is save in front of the bubbling fishing spots (which have a better encounter table for rare Pok?mon) then reset the game if you don't fish up the Pok?mon you want. This way you don't have to leave and re-enter the route each time you want to get the bubbles to come back.

This can also be used if you are farming items...like bottle caps.
how the flying **** do you beat totem lurantis i have like 3 fire types and im on like my 10th attempt`
how the flying **** do you beat totem lurantis i have like 3 fire types and im on like my 10th attempt`

That one was super difficult to me too, mostly because it spams the hell out of Synthesis. Had a fire type and two flying types on my team, so type wise, this shouldn't have been that difficult as I had the advantage
Synthesis has limited PP (5 without PP ups). Use that to your advantage. Or you can use the paralyze or sleep status.

Unlike Recover with 10 PP, god that move sucks when opponents use it.
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Synthesis has limited PP (5 without PP ups). Use that to your advantage. Or you can use the paralyze or sleep status.

Unlike Recover with 10 PP, god that move sucks when opponents use it.

Recover with 10PP... you mean like the Mewtwo in XY? That thing was bloody annoying to catch.
That mewtwo man don't remind me. But also milotic and lapras in online battles...Recover used to have 20 PP didn't it? Or maybe I'm imagining things. 10 is bad enough anyway, like roost. Except roost users usually aren't durable.

Lol I keep opening my party and going to toucannon expecting to have to use HM fly. Old habits die hard indeed.
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I just had my first critical capture on Xurkitree. I forgot that was even a thing.
All these Wonder Trades and still no starters UGH.
I have all starter I don't have no problem giving 1 away of the 2 your missing

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Well I give you 2 but one of the 2 your missing lol
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I have not received anything from WT that wasn't easily found in the wild at a low level.
I'm currently doing the Ultra Beast missions, and Xurkitree is giving me so much issues. I don't want to catch it in the Beast Ball, so its partially my fault.

EDIT: I caved and caught the 2nd one in another beast ball, it was irritating me that I couldn't catch this one in a Pokeball like the other two
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