So, I'm now catching UBs, and soon I'll go for the Tapus. What are the best natures for them?
Edit: I'm playing Sun, so Buzzwole and Kartana.
Beldum has a catch rate of a legendary so no doubt you'll have trouble lol. Sleep works better than paralysis iirc so don't bother with paralysis.Any tips for someone who is TRASH at catching pokemon, on my way down Hokulani after "Soffy's" trial I can't catch several of the pokemon, I've tried a bunch of different balls and getting them down to a SLIVER of health and putting them to sleep and paralyzing them but nothing seems to be working, I'm having trouble with Skarmory and Beldum, I did have a hard time with Minior but got lucky with a quick ball. I've tried everything I can think of, if anybody has any tips I'll love you forever.
Beldum has a catch rate of a legendary so no doubt you'll have trouble lol. Sleep works better than paralysis iirc so don't bother with paralysis.
I tried with sleep first but then I was like, "I'm just gunna try everything." Good to know about Beldum, guess I'll just have to waste some balls on him and keep trying, Skarmory needs to stop being rude tho.
Just got to 2nd island, can barely figure out festival plaza.
Managed to catch a Jolly zubat but the ivs are so bad.
ARe bottle caps easy to get later?
there is an exploit to get bottle caps for 150 FC each from festival plaza
They show you that tutorial in Festival Plaza about talking to people and showing them to attractions or doing missions for them. But no one has given any requests since that tutorial. Am I missing something here?
Why Necrozma won't show up in the Ten Hills? I have finished the UB already and i used Max repel a lot![]()
I'm finding the festival plaza pretty confusing - do I need more than one dye shop? For example, will the Team Red dye shop only allow you to color your clothes red? I just started the game and haven't gotten any new clothes so I can't test it out myself. Now that I'm typing it out it sounds really obvious... but then, if you wanted a lot of different colored clothes, wouldn't you have to fill your Festival Plaza with nothing but dye shops?
Dye shops allow you to dye the color of the shop for FC and other colors using berries. Note that the colors are very light pastel and not like the colors you can buy from shops.
You can get more shades available to you if you rank up your Dye Shops. 1-star and 2-star gives you Pastel colors, 3-star and 4-star gives you Dark colors, and 5-star gives you bright colors. I'm not sure if any of these are the same as the ones you buy in stores though. Alternatively, different berries give you different shades of color as well. I also don't know if any of these are locked to star rankings either.