Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

But what does it mean for other new legendaries if Zygarde is a Sun/Moon thing?
Was that Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves 10% Zygarde used?

Why didn't it transform into 50% Zygarde???

And Zygarde Core and Cell?
But besides the point of CTC!XYZ (my personal folder on DeviantArt detailing something about the CMC and Zygarde's many forms), here's a sleepy koala and a hard-headed dog!
I'm about to go to sleep, but I'm sure some more info on this will be posted soon. Anything that's not posted here once I'm done with work I'll add in and add to the OP Quick Links.

There's HQ footage uploaded now. I'd post it but I'm in bed on my iPad about to sleep. If you want to see it, check serebii. I'll edit this post with it some time tomorrow, providing someone hasn't already done so.
Here's the two vids.

Battle music is a bit odd.

But what does it mean for other new legendaries if Zygarde is a Sun/Moon thing?
Probably nothing. Zygarde just gets its forms in games for the first time in Sun & Moon, maybe with a minor story attached to it. But I don't think that'll affect the new legendaries in S&M at all.
Thank goodness we got news on the Zygarde forms. I was never really upset that we got Sun and Moon instead of Pokemon Z, but I was always worried at the chance that Zygarde might have just been forgotten about. Now that we know his new forms are going to be in the game, hopefully we get an end game side quest to go along with it.
Check out the new Pokemon page on Serebii! Both Zygardes have been updated with moves and abilities!

Zygarde Complete form's signature move is confirmed to be called Core Enforcer! It is a dragon type move no doubt as it's super effective against Garchomp.

10% Zygarde can learn Thousand Arrow's and Thousand Waves, both ground type moves.

North American trailer:
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With "Synchro Evolution" being a thing and Zygarde's alternate forms being confirmed for Sun and Moon, do you all think we'll see AZ's Eternal Flower Floette in Sun and Moon?
The new dog and koala Pokemon are alright by me. Don't have much of anything to say about the dog. The koala has a cool Ability and I hope, if it evolves, that its evolution keeps it as well.

Not all too happy about Zygarde. I realize that the reason they've undermined things like Slaking and Regigigas is because if they didn't, everyone would use them all the time. But honestly, what's so bad about that? You see people running the exact same team of 6 in tournaments anyway. In this day of Mega Evolutions and Primal Reversions, I don't see why we still need to make these super strong Pokemon utterly useless by limiting their viability. Slaking and Regigigas need Hidden Abilities or something, and Zygarde should've just utilized a Key Item to change forms.
The new dog and koala Pokemon are alright by me. Don't have much of anything to say about the dog. The koala has a cool Ability and I hope, if it evolves, that its evolution keeps it as well.

Not all too happy about Zygarde. I realize that the reason they've undermined things like Slaking and Regigigas is because if they didn't, everyone would use them all the time. But honestly, what's so bad about that? You see people running the exact same team of 6 in tournaments anyway. In this day of Mega Evolutions and Primal Reversions, I don't see why we still need to make these super strong Pokemon utterly useless by limiting their viability. Slaking and Regigigas need Hidden Abilities or something, and Zygarde should've just utilized a Key Item to change forms.

It was for sure confirmed it's not a hold item/key item? Because that's pretty lame if it revolves around health. :/
It was for sure confirmed it's not a hold item/key item? Because that's pretty lame if it revolves around health. :/
It wasn't stated outright, but it transforms in a video from the Taiwanese Nationals (I heard this is where it was? I saw the video but haven't gotten confirmation on whether this was the specific event) upon taking a lot of damage. It's basically an equivalent of the starter Pokemon's Blaze/Overgrowth/Torrent abilities except instead of increased damage, the form changes like Darmanitan's Zen Mode. So, when it's "in a pinch."
Sun & Moon starting now at E3. Expecting some new Pokemon reveals. Will update accordingly.

They said game represents life, Sun and Moon legends will tie into the story in a way they haven't done before.
Hinted that Zygarde will be relevant saying the formes will appear in a "special way"
Mentioned the "life" meaning of the games again
Started talking about starters, but my stream cut off
Mentioned that the characters are proportioned differently, saying was some to be more realistic
Talking about the bracelet, basically said they would talk about it at a later date.

Now showing gameplay, they're talking about the story a little, saying that they have just moved to the region, just received their starter, and are trying to get to another town where there is a festival.
Encountered a wild Pokemon, was a Ledyba (I actually almost had a mini heart attack then TROLL LEDYBA)
More confirmation that the trainer will always be standing behind in the battles. Pic of the GUI battle screen from Serebii. There are actually lots of changes on this. I'll wait until Serebii writes about it and then copy paste b/cos I'm lazy LOL

New Pokemon revealed, called Yungoos

Trainer battle, sadly she uses a Caterpie
Route names have been reset to "Route 1" so they don't continue from Kalos
Second trainer battle, trainer uses Yungoos
Another Pokemon encounter, it's the bird from the first concept reveal trailer, called Pikipek


Another encounter, it's Yungoos
They're going to the festival area, hinted there would be more fighting, and that we would be introduced to more characters, then my stream cut off again so I'll have to go back to this part later
Kukui specialises in researching Pokemon attacks
Starting festival battle, battling Hau, he uses a Pichu and Litten (interesting that he seems to be your rival but he uses the starter you're strong against)
Popplio learns disarming voice at Level 8
Once you've encountered a Pokemon twice, it will tell you the effectiveness of attacks (super effective, neutral, not very effective) on the touch screen under the attacks name
Stopping live gameplay, showing another video showing off a "new gameplay mode"
Battle Royal is an online multiplayer battle mode
4 players, each player picks up to 3 Pokemon, battles with one at a time, free-for-all battle, first trainer to lose all their Pokemon loses, then MATH to determine the winner (will copy paste better explanation later)
Trainer customization confirmed
I am really not a fan of the trainers stiff movements, everything else looks amazing and I love the new features but the walking feels very robotic
Battle Royal trailer. Shows off a new Pokemon, Grubbin


Legend Mascots also have "alternate phases"


New ability descriptions:
Stakeout's effect: This Ability means that the Pok?mon’s moves can deal twice the normal damage to any Pok?mon that switches in or enters the field mid-battle. Soul Heart's effect: This Ability raises Magearna’s Special Attack by 1 each time another Pok?mon in the arena faints.
I wonder into what grubbin wil evolve into
I like the desing it has
They've shown us at least one small mammal (the rattata), a bird (the pidgey), and a grub (the caterpie/weedle). My guess is that these Pokemon will be early-on ones.

Which means I'm gonna cross my fingers and pray the Shiba Pokemon stays sheebish after it evolves.