Out of the pokemon revealed just recently the only one I really like is drampa. The rest don't really stand out to me, and I feel like there's nothing really significant about any of the designs if i'm honest. I'm a little dissapointed, but i'm sure the games will be incredible once they're released. I just wish the pokemon revealed in the trailer were a little more significant, instead of just shown as another standard fish or bug Pokemon that'll eventually be forgotten about. I do like Drampa though, it seems awesome and it looks kinda like one of those chinese dragons. These Pokemon will probably grow on me in time but for now this is more or less my first impression. With Togedemaru I feel like he looks a bit too similar to Pikachu if i'm honest although he is kinda cute![]()
This is what I meant, and I'm glad someone else said and other people saw it to:Speculations? Are you thinking Dunsparce's evolution by any chance?
Drampa: Someone told me it looks like Snoop Dog, and lets just leave it at that.
They keep the Japanese name of every electric rodent. Pikachu, Pachirisu, Plusle, Minun, Dedenne... It's basically tradition to keep the Japanese name at this point.Togedemaru: Not sure why they felt to keep it's Japanese name. It's design is okay. I like it more when it has it's quills up. Otherwise it just looks like a fat Pikachu.
Seriously questioning pokemon's sanity, Charajabug looks like a rubber/eraser.
What is Nintendo thinking?
Charjabug is the battery Pokemon. It's literally based off a battery!
It's an unbelievable stupid idea. Who would want a battery Pokemon? It would be better if they wasn't a boring cube. I always liked the more animal looking Pokemon, but I can't stand that idea.
Also can't stand that Europe is getting Pokemon later then america and such, 5 days. Why can't the release just be worldwide at the same time.
Well at least Vikavolt is a cool looking Pokemon.
Tapu Koko: Awesome design. It's name is ok, but I'm sure it will wear on me.
Drampa: It looks like a dragon and a Goodra combined, but it somehow works well. However, I'm not sure why it's part Normal type. Being pure Dragon would make a lot more sense in the long run.
Bruxfish: Uh... it has a nice color scheme?
Togedemaru: It reminds me a lot of Pachirisu and Dedenne. It's alright, to say the least.
Cutiefly: Not the most inspired name, but has a cute design.
Charjabug: It's a green cube, not a Pokemon. It doesn't even have that great of a name either.
Vikavolt: Decent name, great design, great typing.