Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Omg! if the Snowman Mon is anything like that I'm in love.

Edit: I expect that list to be fake, but that concept got me excited for the idea of that rumour now.
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So there's a petition going on for this to happen:

Normally anything with Harambe, I would just push aside and stuff.
But the design and concept and stuff looks cool, but I doubt this would actually happen.
So there's a petition going on for this to happen:

Normally anything with Harambe, I would just push aside and stuff.
But the design and concept and stuff looks cool, but I doubt this would actually happen.

Actually the style is pretty spot on.

I'm impressed
I just can't get over the ability "meat shield." The designs are pretty cute, but it'll never happen. RIP Harambe I guess
pokemon snap 2 confirmed

Edit: Love the new Pokemon designs. Type: Null looks really cool, and its name is intriguing. Not sure what to think about the Ultra Beast, and I'm not sure if it'll even be a catchable Pokemon (like the studio Pokemon in B2/W2).
The time difference between the two games is an interesting concept, but I wonder how it'll affect things.
Lusamine looks like she's Lillie's mom or something.

And I love fat **** Raticate.
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type: null certainly won't be a confusing name in discussion ever at all

now gamefreak needs to introduce the null-type to max out confusion potential
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ok I'm not going to spoil myself on the news released today but I would like to know this: would it change my choice for Pokemon Sun or Moon? I have Moon preordered but might change it.