Same here, I really love everything about the DPP games. The designs and lore of most of the Pok?mon, the soundtrack, even the region. What I would be most excited to see is how they would remake the underground exploration feature of the games. Now, exploring underground was pretty bleh in the original games in my opinion but it has so much potential to be made into something really amazing. I mean, they could do so many cool things with it if they wanted to. They could add in underground structures such as abandoned cities, temples, and crypts filled with all sorts of traps and treasure; secret passages that can be blown away with dynamite or a Pokemon with Explosion that lead into hidden caverns; enter the underground in one spot and exit in a different spot to appear in an otherwise inaccessible secret location on the overworld; maybe a underground rainforest that has living fossil Pok?mon that you can encounter like Cranidos and Tyrunt.