Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Yeah and I don't think we've gotten a brand new Dark type yet. Poison/Dark is a cool combo tho, Drapion is the only other one I remember having it. I really do hope Jangmo-o evos are revealed, Dragon/Fighting would be a really interesting typing.

EDIT: I forgot about Skuntank, he's a Poison/Dark too.
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Alolan Grimer looks cool! Every Alolan pokemon seems to be getting a dark type form though.

Nothing wrong with that in my humble opinion! The more dark types the better! However, some of the dark type Alolan designs do make me question what they were thinking when they accepted them and allowed them to be published! ErmI'm looking at you Grimer.
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Woooooow some of you are actually hating on Grimer? It looks spot on imo!

Nothing wrong with that in my humble opinion! The more dark types the better! However, some of the dark type Alolan designs do make me question what they were thinking when they accepted them and allowed them to be published! ErmI'm looking at you Grimer.

Can't forget Dark wasn't in gen 1 so I guess it's pretty interesting
Woooooow some of you are actually hating on Grimer? It looks spot on imo!
I actually really like it's design, too, and I'm surprised to see a lot of people hating it (maybe because everyone was expecting a Ground or Fire type Grimer instead?). Grimer was never that much of a good designed Pokemon anyway, it was literally just a purple blob of sludge, but this is a lot better than it's original. It's still simple but it gives it more character.

Can't forget Dark wasn't in gen 1 so I guess it's pretty interesting
Yeah, Dark type never existed in Gen I, and it's the only added type that was never rebranded to a Gen I Pokemon (Magnemite got Steel, Clefairy + others got Fairy, but nothing got Dark)
Let's hope that Alolan Grimer and Muk will be able to put their teeth to good use and gain access to Crunch and maybe Snatch as well.
^^^ I personally don't hate Grimer. In fact hating on any Pokemon is quite dumb in my opinion. But you do have to admit that it has a design that many people will have to get use to seeing. Other than that' like the person above me, i hope the evolution line gets some new moves and stat boosts so people will hopefully use it more competitively!
The rest leaked

^ the baby dragon looks so damn cool, def putting it on my team wtf

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i think it's funny how similar their names are (i take japanese at school so i know how to read the magazine) it's like jyarako, jyarango, and jyararanga.

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Ok I really love all the Pok?mon that are being revealed in this generation. I really have no idea what I want to put on my team anymore.
I wonder what type: nulls evolutions base stats are? After all it did say it could rival the legendary Pokemon's power so I'm guessing 600?

I doesn't really look like much has changed with it honestly which makes me think that its only a form rather than an evolution, but its not so....its just a thought.

Im not really a fan of Jangmo-o's evolution, but my opinion could change. Jangmo-o is adorable though!
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Jangmo-o evos are kind of glam, all those golden hoops created with the scales. Love Silvadi too.
Jararango is on my team for definite! Wonder what type of fighter it'll be? Claws, fists, arms, legs, HEAD! Maybe it learns the new Dragon Hammer move!
Woooooow some of you are actually hating on Grimer? It looks spot on imo!

I hate it because I hated Grimer already as a Pok?mon. But purple is my favorite color and since the Alolan Grimer isn't purple anymore I REALLY hate it now
ok so i was looking at the pictures and I noticed this person???
Screen Shot 2016-10-13 at 9.08.52 AM.jpg
who's this???
Jangmo-o evolutions are fab! Definitely going on my team unless more interesting Pokemon are revealed. Was not expecting Type: Null to have an evolution! A small change in appearance maybe, but not a full-fledged evo! An Alolan Grimer's in game model looks fantastic!
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