A new release of information has come for Pok?mon Sun & Moon. We're currently compiling all the information from the trailer so keep checking back
First, Silvally is revealed as Silvadi's English name with its ability RKS System
Jangmo-o's evolutions are Hakamo-o and Kommo-o respectively, both retaining Bulletproof and Soundproof. Kommo-o has a unique move, Changing Scales which does a lot of damage but lowers its own Defense
Bounsweet evolves into Steenee, which is Grass-type with the abilities Leaf Guard and Oblivious, which then evolves into Tsareena which is also Grass-type with the ability Leaf Guard and Queenly Majesty, which blocks Priority moves. It has unique move called Trop Kick which does damage and lowers the opponent's Attack
Finally, Cutiefly's evolution is called Ribombee, which is Bug/Fairy-type and the abilities Honey Gather and Shield Dust Next, Alolan Muk is also revealed, with both it and Grimer having the abilities Poison Touch and Gluttony
New trainers are also revealed including Olivia, the Kahuna of Akala Island and Ilmia