Cool new gamexplain theory
XD that so true
Help. I'm dieing.
Clearly you are since it's dying
Max Attack investment Lickilicky with STAB base 250 power Explosion Z-Move.
Max Attack investment Mega Rayquaza with STAB base 120 power Dragon Ascent Z-Move.
Oh boi...
Cosmog is adorable. I must protect it.
Also, the Battle Tree seems really fun. Hopefully the PWT but way better and more extensive? I just hope that I can battle (and destroy) past champions, rivals, gym leaders, and evil team leaders alike.
Lol you as the player automatically destroy everyone because well, you're the player. I just hope that they make it somewhat challenging. Everyone hates the Battle Maison but if you get far enough, the difficulty jump is big.
And by difficulty jump I assume you're referring to blatant AI cheating
And by difficulty jump I assume you're referring to blatant AI cheating
I just really really hope that Sun and Moon won't be a cakewalk like X and Y were. (Exp. Share and Elite Four, not to mention the Champion was a total joke) I'm looking for a challenge! Something along the likes of Black and White 2 difficulty settings. Hard fights, smart AI that actually switch out, 3 base catch rate for the Legends, things like that!